New System Enhancements for Users at Grant-Making Agencies

Recent updates to the system have brought welcome new features for users at federal grant-making agencies. These enhancements are discussed in detail in the online user guide. Below, we provide an overview of the changes, along with links to help resources.

New: Login with your PIV card

Grantors can now link a PIV or CAC card to their account. Doing so will give users the option of accessing their account with either the PIV/CAC card or their username and password.

Help Article | Video

Continue reading New System Enhancements for Users at Grant-Making Agencies

User Story Collection: How the Federal Grants Community Uses

The characters in our User Story blog series don’t have super-powers. But, the wide-ranging ways they use the system reflect time-saving and efficiency-building methods that real-world users can employ. User Story Series

Here, we collect the user story narratives we have published so far in 2018.

Continue reading User Story Collection: How the Federal Grants Community Uses

Grantor User Story: Retrieving Submissions & Assigning Agency Tracking Numbers

The application deadline for Trish’s grant program has come and gone, so now she is ready to get those applications into the application review process. Trish would also like to add agency tracking numbers to give her applicants the opportunity to see the status of their application. (If you missed previous installments of Trish’s story, click here and here)

Trish user story: I need to retrieve all opportunity submissions and assign tracking numbers to each.

Retrieving the Submissions

Continue reading Grantor User Story: Retrieving Submissions & Assigning Agency Tracking Numbers

User Story: Federal Program Manager Prepares for the Closing Date

The clock is ticking down for Trish, a program manager at the Department of Health and Human Services, and for the organizations who are preparing to submit grant applications.

You may recall, in Part 1, we explained the process that Trish took to publish a new grant opportunity on Since then, she has been focused on preparing for the peer review panels and other responsibilities. But now it is time to begin preparing for the posted grant’s closing date.

Trish - Federal grant manager - As the close date approaches, I need to be able to prepare for the review process and help my applicants.

Continue reading User Story: Federal Program Manager Prepares for the Closing Date

Pop Quiz: Do You Really Know What a Grant Is?

Thousands of you have read the What Is a Grant? blog series, but did you retain the information? We hope to make all the teachers out there proud with a friendly pop-quiz.

Instructions: Click the response you think is correct. Every response provides feedback. You may use the blog search for hints.

Continue reading Pop Quiz: Do You Really Know What a Grant Is?

Top 5 Blog Posts Halfway through 2018

As 2018 continues to zip by, let’s take a look back at the top 5 most read posts published this year on the Community Blog.

#5 – Video: Can I Get a Federal Grant for My Small Business?

“The promise of “free money” to launch or grow a business is alluring. But, is there any truth to the idea?” – February 21, 2018

Continue reading Top 5 Blog Posts Halfway through 2018

Federal Program Manager – The Beginning of Trish’s Grantor Story

Trish: As a federal program manager, I need to publish a grant forecast and Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the public to apply for.

Before anyone can apply for this HHS grant, Trish needs to coordinate the design and posting of the FOA. To allow prospective applicants more time to plan, Trish would also like to publish a grant forecast.

Continue reading Federal Program Manager – The Beginning of Trish’s Grantor Story

Fun Activities to Help Improve Your Experience

Okay, “fun” is subjective, but these short activities will help you and the grants community by informing how we organize and present the resources you need most. The goal is to make it faster and easier for you to find the specific information you need to get back to your job.

 Card Sort Activity  Tree Test Activity
Drag and drop words and phrases into existing categories, or create a new category that makes more sense to you. This Card Sort activity takes approximately 15 minutes, and it will help us determine how information is combined and displayed on Click through branching menus to find information that matches the task prompt. This Tree Test activity takes approximately 15 minutes, and it will help us refine the information architecture for

Continue reading Fun Activities to Help Improve Your Experience Has a New Resource for Applicants and Grantors – Discuss!

The latest release simplified the process for creating a workspace and also introduced a mobile app to boot. But that’s not all!

Registered users can now contribute to and collaborate in the discussion forum. Just login to, then click the Discussion Forum link under the Connect tab. Discussion Forum banner

Here’s what you will find in the forum:

Continue reading Has a New Resource for Applicants and Grantors – Discuss!