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Black History Month 2019

We cultivate a culture of inclusion where diverse talent is leveraged to advance health discovery.

Check out the EDI Blog.

Champions of Diversity at NIH

Dr. Rita Devine

Dr. Rita Devine

Assistant Director of Science Administration
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Jennifer Evans

Jennifer Evans

Employee Services Program Specialist
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Upcoming Events & Training

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 - 9:00am

Building 10 FAES Rm 4

Building an Inclusive Workplace, your organization’s leaders will be equipped with skills to build highly inclusive teams and leverage peoples’ differences to maximize results. This training program underscores the business imperatives for leveraging the cultural backgrounds, personal characteristics, and unique experiences of all employees to truly promote and benefit from an inclusive workplace.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 - 1:00pm

Building 45 Rm C1/C2

SafeZone Training is designed to promote awareness and education on the particular needs and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex individuals as well as other sexual and gender minorities (represented by the acronym LGBTI). SafeZone addresses many of the commonly held misperceptions, myths, and stereotypes related to LGBTI communities. Training is designed to improve understanding and help everyone at the NIH accept fellow employees as they are and as they want to be identified.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 9:00am

Building 50 Rm 1328/1334

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Compliance Training for Managers and Supervisors focuses on Federal Laws, Disparate Treatment, Adverse Impact, Harassment/Hostile Environment, Reasonable Accommodation and Retaliation/Reprisal. As a supplement to the mandatory EEO online training, this in-person class is designed to meet the following learning objectives:

Tuesday, January 29, 2019 - 9:00am

Building 10 FAES Rm 2

By focusing on day-to-day behaviors along with the law, Workplace Harassment for Employees is part of a comprehensive and sustainable learning solution designed to challenge and motivate employees to consider the impact of their own behavior and encourage them to speak up when issues arise.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 - 1:00pm

Building 45 Rm G1/G2

Most federal employees have either witnessed or been the target of bullying in the workplace yet there are few policies or guidelines directed at informing employees of their rights or methods to address the issue in the workplace. The NIH Anti-Bullying Training is designed to educate employees and managers of the prevalence of bullying in the workplace; while seeking a means to eliminate bullying within the federal government. This course will satisfy the No FEAR Act and Prevention of Sexual Harassment mandatory training requirements.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 9:00am

Building 50 Rm 1328/1334

Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance for Employees focuses on Federal EEO Laws, Theories of Discrimination, Workplace Harassment/Hostile Environment (including Sexual Harassment), Reasonable Accommodation, and Retaliation/Reprisal. As a supplement to the mandatory EEO online training, this in-person class is designed to meet the following learning objectives:

Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - 9:00am

Building 45 Rm G1/G2

Reasonable accommodation (RA) is defined as any change or adjustment in the work environment that enables a qualified individual with a disability to enjoy equal employment opportunity. This course will provide an introductory training of our Reasonable Accommodation program at NIH.

Language Access Program

NIH Language Access

There is a significant and increasing LEP population in the United States who need language assistance services. NIH is renewing its commitment to providing meaningful access to its programs and activities to people with limited English proficiency (LEP). NIH Language Access Plan, establishes policy and strategy for all 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs). The Plan serves as a blueprint to help NIH ICs develop their own specific implementation strategies, based on their respective needs and capacity.

6+ NIH Locations

6+ NIH Locations

Based in Bethesda, Maryland, we have Institutes and Centers in Arizona, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, & North Carolina.

27 Institutes & Centers

27 Institutes & Centers

Each IC has a specific research agenda, often focusing on particular diseases or body systems.

85 Nobel Prizes

85 Nobel Prizes

144 NIH-supported researchers have been recipients of 85 Nobel Prizes.

18,000+ Employees

18,000+ Employees

Who represent a diversity of experience, traditions, professions, and identities.

2,500 Universities & Research Institutions

2,500 Universities & Research Institutions

80% of the NIH's budget goes to more than 300,000 research personnel at over 2,500 universities and research institutions.

1 NIH Director...

1 NIH Director...

...who ROCKS OUT against disease.