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Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Transportation Security Administration

Media Room

Media Inquiries

Please note, due to the lapse in government funding, you may experience a delayed response. For breaking news media queries, please call (877) 632-7327.

Operating Status for January 9

Nationwide, TSA screened 1.74 million passengers yesterday (Wednesday, Jan. 9). 99.9 percent of passengers waited less than 30 minutes; 94.8 percent of passengers less than 15 minutes. In TSA Pre✓® lanes, passengers on average waited less than five minutes. Security standards remain uncompromised at our nation’s airports.

Regarding unscheduled absences: Yesterday, January 9, 2019, TSA experienced a rate of 5 percent compared to a 3.6 percent unscheduled absence rate one year ago on January 9, 2018.

As the current lapse in funding continues, we want to echo the sentiments of industry, the traveling public and TSA leadership who are proud of and thankful for the more than 51,000 officers across the country who remain focused on the mission. We are humbled by the acts of kindness and support from industry and the public, who clearly recognize and admire our officers’ efforts. TSA will continue to conduct the critical work necessary to secure the nation’s transportation systems. Not on our watch.

Contact Public Affairs

Email Public Affairs
(571) 227-2829
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET