
Administrative Law Judges

The Office of Administrative Law Judges is composed of judges who preside over hearings and issue decisions.

Communications Business Opportunities

The Office of Communications Business Opportunities promotes competition and innovation in telecommunications ownership and information services. The office also supports opportunities for small, women-owned, and minority-owned communications businesses.

Economics and Analytics

The Office of Economics and Analytics is responsible for expanding and deepening the use of economic analysis into Commission policy making, for enhancing the development and use of auctions, and for implementing consistent and effective agency-wide data practices and policies.

Engineering & Technology

The Office of Engineering and Technology advises the Commission on technical and engineering matters and develops and administers Commission decisions regarding spectrum allocations. The office also grants equipment authorizations, experimental licenses and special temporary operation authority.

General Counsel

The Office of the General Counsel serves as the Commission's chief legal advisor and representative.

Inspector General

The Office of the Inspector General conducts and supervises audits and investigations relating to FCC programs and operations.

Legislative Affairs

The Office of Legislative Affairs serves as the liaison between the FCC and Congress, as well as other federal agencies.

Managing Director

The Office of the Managing Director administers and manages the FCC.

Media Relations

Office of Media Relations informs the media of FCC decisions and serves as the FCC's main point of contact with the media.


To preserve the integrity of the Commission's records, the Office of the Secretary oversees the receipt and distribution of documents filed by the public through electronic and paper filing systems. In addition, the Office of the Secretary gives effective legal notice of Commission decisions by publishing them in the Federal Register and the FCC Record.

Workplace Diversity

Office of Workplace Diversity ensures that the FCC provides employment opportunities for all persons regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, or sexual preference.


Consumer & Governmental Affairs

The Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau develops and implements consumer policies including those for people with disabilities and those affecting tribal nations. The bureau also maintains collaborative partnerships with state, local and tribal governments and manages the Commission’s consumer call center.


The Enforcement Bureau enforces the Communications Act and FCC rules by protecting consumers, fostering efficient spectrum use, furthering public safety and promoting competition.


The International Bureau administers international telecommunications and satellite programs and policies, including licensing and regulatory functions. The bureau also promotes pro-competitive policies abroad, coordinates global spectrum activities and advocates U.S. interests in international communications and competition.


The Media Bureau oversees broadcast radio and television, as well as cable and satellite services on behalf of consumers. It also administers licensing and policy matters for broadcast services.

Public Safety & Homeland Security

The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau supports initiatives that strengthen public safety and emergency response capabilities to help us assist the public, law enforcement, hospitals, the communications industry and all levels of government in the event of a natural disaster, pandemic or terrorist attack.

Wireless Telecommunications

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau regulates domestic wireless telecommunications programs and policies, including licensing. The bureau also implements competitive bidding for spectrum auctions and regulates wireless communications services including mobile phones, public safety and other commercial and private radio services.

Wireline Competition

The Wireline Competition develops and recommends wireline telecommunications policy goals, objectives, programs and plans. Bureau matters include universal service and the deployment of advanced telecommunications services such as broadband.