
The Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) is establishing a cohesive national service system that provides training and technical assistance to the field, our colleagues, and service providers that may interact with those at risk of or experiencing human trafficking.

Other HHS Training and Technical Assistance Programs

OTIP collaborates with other training and technical assistance programs throughout the Department of Health and Human Services. 

  • Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative

    The Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative helps public child welfare agencies, Tribes, and courts:

    • Enhance and mobilize the human and organizational assets necessary to meet federal standards and requirements
    • Improve child welfare practice and administration
    • Achieve safety, permanency, and well-being outcomes for children, youth, and families
  • The Child Welfare Information Gateway

    The Child Welfare Information Gateway connects child welfare and related professionals to comprehensive resources to help protect children and strengthen families.

  • Grants to Address Trafficking within the Child Welfare Population

    These grants help child welfare systems develop their response to human trafficking. They promote infrastructure building and a multi-system approach with local law enforcement, juvenile justice, courts systems, runaway and homeless youth programs, Children’s Justice Act grantees, child advocacy centers, and other necessary service providers. The Children’s Bureau funded nine grants at $250,000 a year for a 5-year project period (2014–2019).

  • National Child Traumatic Stress Network

    National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) raises the standard of care and improves access to services for traumatized children, their families, and communities throughout the United States.

  • Runaway and Homeless Youth Training & Technical Assistance

    Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance (RHYTTAC) provides training for all Family and Youth Services Bureau-funded runaway and homeless youth grantees.

  • Family Violence Prevention and Services Program

    The Family Violence Prevention and Services Program administers the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), the primary federal funding stream dedicated to the support of emergency shelter and related assistance for victims of domestic violence and their children.

  • Domestic Violence Resource Network

    The Domestic Violence Resource Network (DVRN) works collaboratively to promote practices and strategies to improve our nation’s response to domestic violence and make safety and justice not just a priority, but also a reality.

Last Reviewed: September 25, 2017

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