The Acreage Crop Reporting Streamlining Initiative (ACRSI)

Acreage crop reporting is an important part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) delivery of programs and services to farmers and ranchers. The USDA Acreage Crop Reporting Streamlining Initiative (ACRSI) established a framework for agricultural producers to submit acreage reports to USDA whereby farmers and ranchers now can report their common crop acreage information just once, either to their Farm Service Agency (FSA) local county office or to their participating crop insurance agent on behalf of the Risk Management Agency (RMA).

The common information from those acreage reports will be shared electronically and securely between FSA, RMA and the producers’ Approved Insurance Provider (AIP). Although producers must still contact both their county office and their crop insurance agent as they normally would to complete program-specific information, validate the common information, complete maps and sign acreage reports, the common data from the first-filed acreage reports will now be available to pre-populate and accelerate completion of the second reports. This will eliminate redundant reporting.

This new capability reduces the reporting burden on farmers and ranchers by eliminating the need to report the same information multiple times to multiple locations, while supporting efficient, secure and more accurate data sharing across participating USDA agencies.

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