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Frequently Asked Questions

Does EIA have projections for energy production, consumption, and prices for individual states?

No, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) does not make projections for individual states. However, EIA does have projections for different regions of the country.

In the monthly Short-Term Energy Outlook, there are forecasts by Census regions or divisions for:

There are forecasts in the Short-Term Energy Outlook for motor gasoline prices by Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts.

In the Annual Energy Outlook, there are supplemental tables with regional projections for:

  • Energy consumption by sector and source by Census division—supplemental tables 2 to 2.9
  • Energy prices by sector and source by Census division—supplemental tables 3 to 3.9
  • Electricity generation by sector and source, and sales and prices by sector by electricity market regions—supplemental tables 55 to 57
  • Renewable energy capacity, generation, and consumption by fuel and the electric power and end-use sectors by electricity market regions—supplemental tables 58 to 58.22
  • Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, jet fuel, and residential heating oil prices and price components by Census division—supplemental tables 59 to 59.9
  • Crude oil and natural gas production and wellhead prices by supply regions in the lower 48 states—supplemental tables 60 and 61
  • Natural gas consumption and prices by end-use sector by Census division—supplemental tables 63 and 64
  • Coal production and prices by producing region—supplemental tables 66, 67, and 71

Last updated: December 27, 2018

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