Faculty (Principal Investigators)

Each lab, branch, or section conducting research at NIDDK in the Division of Intramural Research is led by a faculty member (principal investigator).

91 results
Name Email Address Phone Number Title and Office Research Description
Anfinrud, Philip 301-435-6034 Section Chief: Ultrafast Biophysical Chemistry Section, Laboratory of Chemical Physics
Appella, Daniel 301-451-1052 Section Chief: Synthetic Bioactive Molecules Section, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry
Baier, Leslie 602-440-6589 Section Chief: Diabetes Molecular Genetics Section, Phoenix Epidemiology and Clinical Research Branch
Balow, James 301-496-4181
Bax, Adriaan 301-496-2848 Section Chief: Biophysical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Section, Laboratory of Chemical Physics
Bernstein, Harris 301-402-4770 Section Chief: Protein Biogenesis Section, Genetics and Biochemistry Branch
Best, Robert 301-496-5414 Senior Investigator: Theoretical Biophysical Chemistry Section, Laboratory of Chemical Physics
Bewley, Carole 301-594-5187
Bogardus, Clifton 602-440-6570
Brown, Rebecca 301-594-0609 Acting Section Chief: Section on Translational Diabetes and Metabolic Syndromes, Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Obesity Branch
Buchanan, Susan 301-594-9222
Camerini-Otero, Rafael 301-496-2710
Chen, Kong 301-451-1636
Chow, Carson 301-402-8250 Section Chief: Mathematical Biology Section, Laboratory of Biological Modeling
Chung, Hoi Sung 301-496-0202 Investigator: Biophysical Chemistry Section, Laboratory of Chemical Physics
Clore, G. Marius 301-496-0782 Section Chief: Protein Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Section​, Laboratory of Chemical Physics
Cohen-Fix, Orna 301-594-2184 Section Chief: Cell Cycle Regulation and Nuclear Structure Section, Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology
Craigie, Robert 301-496-4081 Section Chief: Molecular Virology Section, Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Cypess, Aaron 301-435-9267 Acting Section Chief: Translational Physiology Section, Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Obesity Branch
Dean, Ann 301-496-6068 Section Chief: Gene Regulation and Development Section, Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology
Dean, Jurrien 301-496-2738
Dyda, Frederick 301-402-4496 Section Chief: Structural Biochemistry Section, Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Eaton, William 301-496-6030
Felsenfeld, Gary 301-496-4173 Section Chief: Physical Chemistry Section, Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Forrest, Douglas 301-594-6170 Section Chief: Nuclear Receptor Biology Section, Laboratory of Endocrinology and Receptor Biology
Foster St. Claire, Mark 301-496-4860 Director: Laboratory of Animal Sciences Section, Cores and Support Services
Furano, Anthony 301-496-6180 Section Chief: Genomic Structure and Function Section, Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology
Ge, Kai 301-451-1998 Section Chief: Adipocyte Biology and Gene Regulation Section, Laboratory of Endocrinology and Receptor Biology
Gellert, Martin 301-451-8168 Section Chief: Molecular Genetics Section, Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Germino, Gregory 301-496-5877
Gershengorn, Marvin 301-451-6305
Ghany, Marc 301-402-5115 Clinical Tenure Track Investigator: Clinical Research Section, Liver Diseases Branch
Gharib, Ahmed 301-402-5744
  • Head: Biomedical and Metabolic Imaging Branch
  • Acting Section Chief: Biomedical and Metabolic Imaging Branch
Golden, Andy 301-594-4367 Section Chief: Genetics of Early Development, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Genetics
Gorden, Phillip 301-402-7340 Section Chief: Clinical and Cellular Biology Section, Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Obesity Branch
Guydosh, Nicholas 301-827-2051 Acting Section Chief: Section on mRNA Regulation and Translation, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Genetics
Haase, Astrid 301-451-5125 Acting Section Chief: RNA Biology Section, Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology
Hall, Kevin 301-402-8248 Section Chief: Integrative Physiology Section, Laboratory of Biological Modeling
Hanover, John 301-496-0943
Hanson, Robert 602-200-5207 Senior Investigator: Diabetes Epidemiology and Clinical Research Section, Phoenix Epidemiology and Clinical Research Branch
Heller, Theo 301-402-7147
Hennighausen, Lothar 301-328-6183
Hinshaw, Jenny 301-594-0842
Hinton, Deborah 301-496-9885 Section Chief: Gene Expression and Regulation Section, Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology
Hoofnagle, Jay 301-496-6555 Basic and Clinical Research on Liver Diseases
Hsieh, Peggy 301-496-0306 Section Chief: Genome Dynamics Section, Genetics and Biochemistry Branch
Jacobson, Kenneth 301-496-9024 Section Chief: Molecular Recognition Section​, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry
Jensen, Robert 301-496-4201 Section Chief: Gastrointestinal Cell Biology Section, Digestive Disease Branch
Kimmel, Alan 301-496-3016 Section Chief: Molecular Mechanisms of Development Section​, Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology
Knowler, William 602-200-5206 Section Chief: Diabetes Epidemiology and Clinical Research Section, Phoenix Epidemiology and Clinical Research Branch