Public Taxable Sales Reports

The Taxable Sales Reports for previous years may be downloaded by Locality or by Standard Industry Codes. The files have been compressed into a ".zip file" format. Select the year, sort sequence, and tax type, and file type of the report you wish to view and click "Download". There are two file formats available, "Report" is in report format, and "File" is the format that was formerly considered as the "Ascii" version.

Note: You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to use the drop down menus below, if you have JavaScript disabled, you may view a list of the available reports here.

Note: District sales taxes first went into effect in 1998 and the first district use tax went into effect in 2005.

By Locality
By Standard Industry Codes

Most recent complete calendar year reports:

Tax Credit and Total Business Locations Reports

The following reports are downloadable in plain-text (.txt) format. form1 format is easily imported into spreadsheet or word processing programs for your convenience. Right click on the links (Mac users: click and hold) to download the files to your computer. The following reports are currently available:

Cigarette Tax Distribution  - C.A.R.T. (County Aid Road Trust) Fund Distribution – Motor Fuel Highway Report

The following reports are downloadable in plain-text (.txt) format. form1 format is easily imported into spreadsheet or word processing programs for your convenience. Right click on the links (Mac users: click and hold) to download the files to your computer. The following reports are currently available:

Dealer Reports

The following reports are downloadable in plain-text (.txt) format. form1 format is easily imported into spreadsheet or word processing programs for your convenience. Right click on the links (Mac users: click and hold) to download the files to your computer. The following reports are currently available:

Motor Vehicle Reports

The following reports are downloadable in plain-text (.txt) format. form1 format is easily imported into spreadsheet or word processing programs for your convenience. Right click on the links (Mac users: click and hold) to download the files to your computer. The following reports are currently available:

Marinecraft Reports

The following reports are downloadable in plain-text (.txt) format. form1 format is easily imported into spreadsheet or word processing programs for your convenience. Right click on the links (Mac users: click and hold) to download the files to your computer. The following reports are currently available:

Driver Reports

The following reports are downloadable in plain-text (.txt) format. form1 format is easily imported into spreadsheet or word processing programs for your convenience. Right click on the links (Mac users: click and hold) to download the files to your computer. The following reports are currently available:

For all other inquiries e-mail your request to: