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Who is eligible for Worker's Compensation Benefits?

WCB Mission Statement

To provide efficient dispute resolution for injured workers and employers by administering both formal adjudication and informal dispute resolution services; to serve  the public by answering inquiries regarding the Indiana Worker's Compensation system; and to collect statistical information regarding workplace injuries in Indiana.

News and Notices

The Board will be transitionaning to EDI Version 3.1 on 1/1/2019. You can see more information here


Website Notices 11/1/2018

The Second Injury Fund status report is now available. Please click here for more information.


Website Notices 9/6/2018

Paper settlements documents will no longer be accepted by the Board.  Those sent in or dropped off will be destroyed and the parties informed by phone or e-mail to submit the Agreement and Order as a PDF according to the Checklist and Procedure documents found here . Documents will not be marked Received until processed through the electronic system.  Please know the Board will continue to improve this process as comments are received and notice will always be given through this format and notices on the website. 

Website Notices 8/9/2018

Please join us in the Auditorium of the Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana on Monday, September 17th from 1-3 p.m. to learn about Indiana’s adoption of the ODG Formulary and how it will apply to worker’s compensation cases beginning on January 1, 2019.  You can review the law here

Please register here for this free seminar.


Website Notices 8/9/2018

On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 2:30 Eastern, we will offer a Claims Release 3.1 EDI for First Report of Injury (FROI) and Subsequent Report of Injury (SROI) Webinar Information Session. We strongly encourage all stakeholders to take advantage of this opportunity. The webinar will assist Trading Partners to understand and interpret the technical requirements for Claims Release 3.1 EDI for the State of Indiana. Register here today , for full details click here.


Website Notices 6/29/2018

The Board has posted the EDI Claims Release 3.1 Requirement Tables, Version 1.0. The Requirement Tables are immediately available for download on the EDI Requirements Page of INWCB EDI Claims Website: . The Event Table, Element Requirement Table and Edit Matrix each contain a change log worksheet that will identify any changes made to that specific table after these initial requirements are published.

Website Notices 6/12/2018

A new protocol for submitting settlement agreements to the Board will go into effect within the next 30-45 days.  A similar notice will be issued at that time. The Board is working with the Indiana Office of Technology to perfect the procedure and anticipates there may be slight changes; however, the Checklist should be followed whenever possible as of the date of this notice.  Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with, and prepare to meet the requirements which can be found below. Thank you in advance for your assistance as we move to a more efficient means of addressing settlement agreements. 

Settlement Checklist

Settlement Procedure



Website Notices 5/31/2018

The 2018 Self-Insurance application and guidelines are now available.  Please click here for more information and to download these forms.

Website Notices 5/2/2018

Public Law 204, previously SB290, will go into effect on July 1st, 2018.  This bill imposes new time frames for completing certain tasks and changes the way penalties are assessed for failing to maintain worker’s compensation insurance coverage on an employer’s workers.  It also extends the renewal period for Second Injury Fund wage replacement benefits from 150 weeks to three years.

Public Law 206, previously SB369, adopts a formulary for certain drugs often prescribed for injured workers. FAQs and guidance will be forthcoming before Appendix A to the Official Disability Guidelines; informally referred to as the “ODG,” will go into effect on January 1, 2019.


Website Notices 4/17/2018

The Board will be implementing a new protocol for submitting “C” claim settlement documents in the near future.  The legal environment surrounding Indiana worker’s compensation cases is changing.  We are seeing many more settlements.  Fewer cases are resolved through hearings.  Therefore, once we have the internal processes in place, documents submitted for approval in “C” claims will go to the respective Single Hearing Members. Please disregard any documentation you may have seen, as the Board has not finalized anything in this regard. Thank you.

New Nurse Case Manager Guidelines can be found here.  These replace those previously posted on this website.


Website Notices 1/2018

Denial of a Provider Fee Application or refusal to pay a bill from a medical provider for authorized care provided to an injured worker based solely on 631 IAC 1-1-32 (2)(A)(i) is improper.  Provisions in the Indiana Administrative Code are rules authorized by IC 22-3-1-3 to assist the Board in carrying out the Worker’s Compensation Act, not laws themselves.

Medical providers may use the following link available through the Board’s online services to ascertain the name of an injured worker’s employer, worker’s compensation insurance carrier and that carrier’s claim identification number, when available.

No audio or visual recording may be made of any worker’s compensation hearing, conference or proceeding.

Social security numbers (SSN) of injured workers must be redacted from all documentation prior to submission to the Board. The Application for Adjustment of Claim is the only exception to this requirement.



See Past News and Notices