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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

About FERC Offices Office of Energy Policy and Innovation

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Division of Economic and Technical Analysis (DETA)

The Division of Economic and Technical Analysis works to enhance existing market rules, processes, and operations in the electric and natural gas industries in order to promote competition and efficient market design, address emerging challenges, and send appropriate long-term investment signals.

DETA’s Work:

  1. Evaluates energy market design focusing on the economic and operational efficiency of the markets and proposes policy changes that support accurate pricing, competition, and market-to-market coordination.

  2. Evaluates processes for the interconnection of new resources and proposes policies to support efficient entry and exit and to meet long-term system needs.

  3. Conducts economic, engineering and technical analysis in support of the Commission’s review of industry proposals, which includes quantitative analysis of electricity and natural gas market data.

  4. Manages industry data and empirically assesses the outcomes of policy changes on market participant behavior and market operations.

  5. Conducts targeted outreach to review the outcome of policy choices, learn about emerging industry challenges, and discuss the need for future reforms.