Utility EnforcementRSS Feed Icon 28x28

Calphone Info
Prepaid Phone Cards
Payphone Enforcement
Slamming Citation Program
Automatic Dialing Announcing Devices (ADAD) Devices
Energy Citation Programs
The CPUC investigates alleged violations of the Public Utilities Code, CPUC regulations, and other California statutes involving stationary utilities, including telephone (both wireline and wireless), electric, gas and water companies. These investigations generally involve consumer fraud, marketing abuse and other utility misconduct.

The Utilities Enforcement Branch (UEB) of the Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division (CPED) vigorously enforces state and other related regulations and has levied approximately $352 million in fines and restitution from 2004 through 2017 across the utilities it regulates.  See our spreadsheet of Enforcement Actions.

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