NEW Funding OpportunityHurricane Response Hub Technical Assistance Centers: Deadline January 3, 2019
NEWRFA-ES-16-005 Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities for Hurricanes Florence and Michael  
More time-senstive research opportunities in environmental health
NEW Call for Proposals for California Wildfires:  Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Grant Program
Researcher Deployment Guide
More resources for all types of deployment

The NIH Disaster Research Response Program (DR2) is the national framework for research on the medical and public health aspects of disasters and public health emergencies. The DR2 website, provided by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Library of Medicine, supports disaster science investigators by offering data collection tools, research protocols, disaster research news and events, and more.


Protocols to collect human health data following a disaster. Pre-approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) for rapid use. More...

  • NIEHS RAPIDD Protocol
  • University of Iowa Disaster Response Research Protocol
  • UTMB Rapid Acquisition of Pre- and Post-Incident Disaster Data Protocol

Data Collection Tools for surveys, surveillance forms, and biospecimen and environmental sampling tools for medical and public health research in disasters. More...

Training resources for preparing scientists to conduct research in the field after a disaster.

Exercises on data collection and research as part of disaster response and recovery, conducted by the DR2 Program. More...

Upcoming events

Publications by or about the NIH Disaster Research Response Program

Past meetings, exercises, and presentations. More...

Federal agencies, private institutions, NGOs and networks are developing their disaster-related medical and public health research capabilities. More...

About the Disaster Research Response Program and efforts to address the challenging issues of disaster research. Includes Program background, a fact sheet and videos. More...