Category Archives: Housing

How Can Low-Income Renters Find Affordable Housing?

Low-income renters often face difficulties finding housing they can afford. But a federal program—the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)—helps encourage developing this type of housing. This tax credit program has helped finance about 50,000 affordable rental units annually. The IRS … Continue reading

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Lead Paint in Housing

Was your home built before 1978? If so, there’s a chance that it contains some lead paint. The Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates that roughly 35 percent of U.S. homes contain some lead-based paint. So, what does this … Continue reading

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What You Need to Know about Mortgages and Equity

Ah, springtime: when “for sale” signs start popping up with the daffodils and crocuses! Before you call your real estate agent, you might want to read up on some of the more technical aspects of homebuying—like exactly what homeownership can … Continue reading

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Housing with Supportive Services for Veterans

The Department of Housing and Urban Development estimated that nearly 40,000 veterans were homeless as of January 2016—making up about 10 percent of all people experiencing homelessness. To help, the government is converting unneeded federal property into supportive housing for … Continue reading

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Housing for Homeless Veterans through VA’s Enhanced-Use Lease Program (interactive graphics)

Approximately 39,000 U.S. veterans were homeless as of January 2016 due to factors such as mental health issues and substance abuse. The Department of Veterans Affairs’ enhanced-use lease program turns unused federal buildings into affordable housing for homeless veterans. This … Continue reading

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Hurricane Katrina: 10 Years after the Storm

It’s been a decade since Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. In that time, we’ve examined almost every aspect of federal recovery efforts following the storm. Today, we look back at some of that work and explore how to reduce … Continue reading

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Housing Finance Weaknesses

Did you buy a house before 2007 and, over the next few years, watch its value fall to less than what you owed on your mortgage? Did you lose a house to foreclosure? Weaknesses in the U.S. housing finance system … Continue reading

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Understanding the Housing Finance System

The housing finance market is more than just homebuyers, sellers, and real estate agents—it’s a complicated landscape of borrowers, lenders, securitizers, servicers, and investors. The complexity of housing finance played a major role in the 2007-2009 financial crisis, and poses … Continue reading

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Podcast on Education of Homeless Students

In the 2011 to 2012 school year, there were more than 1 million homeless students in the United States. The Department of Education established a grant program to help homeless students gain access to public education. Hear our podcast with Kay … Continue reading

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GAO’s Financial Markets and Community Investment Team

GAO’s workforce is generally organized into 14 mission teams. Today we’ll be putting the spotlight on the Financial Markets and Community Investment (FMCI) team. FMCI supports Congress by helping ensure the effectiveness of regulatory oversight in financial and housing markets, … Continue reading

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