NEFSC A-Z Index NEFSC Home    



 about, NEFSC
 Academic Programs
 Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus)
     Advanced Sampling Technologies Research Group (ASTRG), MA
     Cruise Reports
     Northeast Acoustic Network (NEPAN)
     Northwest Atlantic Inter-Agency Collaboration
     Protected Species Branch (PSB), MA
 Advanced Sampling Technologies Research Group (ASTRG), MA
 age & growth
     Fishery Biology Program (FBP), MA
 Albatross (ships)
     Albatross (R/V), MA
     Albatross II (R/V), MA
     Albatross III (R/V), MA
        Operation Manual of Instructions for Scientists (1948-1949)
        R/V Albatross III (1948)
        R/V Albatross III Research Program (1948)
     Albatross IV (NOAA Ship), MA
        Cruise Reports (archive)
 AMAPPS (Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species)
 American Fisheries Society (AFS), Southern New England Chapter
 American lobster (Homarus americanus)
 animations  See:  multimedia
 announcements & events
 Apex Predators Program (APP), RI
     Aquaculture Seminar, CT
     Ecosystems & Aquaculture Division (EAD), CT, NJ
     Milford Laboratory, CT
        Woods Hole Science Aquarium (NEFSC), MA
        James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory, NJ
 ASERT (Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Research Team) MA, ME
 ASTRG (Advanced Sampling Technologies Research Group), MA
 At-Sea Monitoring Program (ASM)
 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
     Northeast Regional Cod Tagging Program
     SMAST Cod Tagging Project
 Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus)
 Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
 Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS)
 Atlantic northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis)
 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
     Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Research Team (ASERT), MA, ME
     Fisheries Engineering Group, RI
     Northeast Salmon Team (NEST), ME, MA, RI
     US Atlantic Salmon Assessments
 Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten maellanicus)
 Atlantic spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
 Atlantic striped bass (Morone saxatilis)
 Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima)
 audio  See: multimedia
 awards, NEFSC

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 Baird, Spencer Fullerton
     Baird's Legacy
     Atlantic striped (Morone saxatilis)
     black sea (Centropristis striata)
 Benchmark Stock Assessments
 Bigelow, Henry B. (NOAA Ship)
 bioacoustics  See: acoustics
 blackback flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)
 blog, NEFSC
 bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)
 bottom trawls
     Ecosystems Surveys Branch (ESB)
     Resource Survey Reports (formerly Fishermen's Reports)
 Brief History of the Groundfishing Industry of New England
 butterfish (Peprilus triacanthus)
     marine mammals
     SBRM (Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology)
     Take Reduction Team (TRT)
     Turtle Excluder Device (TED)

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 calculators & converters
     age & growth, templates
     length weight age conversion
     Loran, converter
     sharks (length-weight & fork-total length)
 calendars  See: seminars & meetings
 Center Reference Documents (CRD)
 Century of Conservation
 cetaceans  See: marine mammals
 charts, nautical
     NOEPS (NOAA Outreach and Education), MA
     salmon, activities
     Woods Hole Science Aquarium, MA
     Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima)
     ocean quahog (Arctica islandica)
    Climate Change (EDA)
    Fisheries & Climate
 COASTSPAN (Cooperative Atlantic States Shark Pupping and Nursery)
 cod, Atlantic (Gadus morhua)  See: Atlantic Cod
 Commercial Fishery Species Guide
 conferences  See: seminars & meetings
 contacts   See also: questions
     Advanced Sampling Technologies Research Group (ASTRG)
     Ecosystems Surveys Branch, (ESB) MA
     Fisheries Sampling Branch (FSB), MA
     Food Web Dynamics Program (FWDP), MA
     Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO), MA
     James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory, NJ
     Maine Field Station
     Milford Laboratory, CT
     NOAA, staff directory
     Northeast Cooperative Research Program, MA, RI
     Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC)
        organization chart
     Northeast Regional Office (NERO) [former name]    See: GARFO
     Observer Program, MA
     Oceans and Climate Branch, RI, MA
     Population Dynamics Branch (PopDy), MA
     Port Agents
     Protected Species Branch (PSB), MA
     Social Sciences Branch (SSB), MA
     Study Fleet Program, MA
 contract & grant reports
 cooperative research
     Cooperative Atlantic States Shark Pupping and Nursery
     Cooperative Monkfish Tagging Study
     Cooperative Scup Tagging Program
     Cooperative Shark Tagging Program (CSTP), RI
     Cooperative Spiny Dogfish Tagging Program, RI
     Cooperative Yellowtail Flounder Tagging Project
     Electronic Monitoring System (EMS)
     eMOLT (Environmental Monitors on Lobster Traps)
     Northeast Cooperative Research Program (NECRP)
     Northeast Regional Cod Tagging Program
     Northeast Sea Turtle CollaborationTagging Program
     Northwest Atlantic Inter-Agency Collaboration (acoustics)
     Online Fish Tag Reporting
     SMAST Cod Tagging Project
     Study Fleet Program, MA, RI
 councils, fishery management
 cruises  See also: ships; surveys
     computer codes
     Ecosystem Monitoring (ECOMON)
     Ecosystems Surveys Branch (ESB), MA
 CTD (Conductivity/Temperature/Depth)
 current meter projects, (archive)

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 data  See also: stock assessments; search tools & databases
     Data Management Systems (DMS)
     data rescue, historical
     Environmental Monitors on Lobster Traps (eMOLT)
     Loran, converter
     NOAA Fisheries Toolbox (NFT)
     Oceans and Climate Branch
     trade data
 Delaware II (NOAA Ship)
     GARFO (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office), MA
     James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory, NJ
     Maine Field Station
     Milford Laboratory, CT
     Narragansett Laboratory, RI
     Observer Training Center, MA
     Woods Hole Laboratory, MA
     Woods Hole Science Aquarium, MA
 documents  See: publications
 dogfish, spiny (Squalus acanthias)
 dolphins  See: marine mammals
 Drifter Program, MA

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 eastern oyster, (Crassostrea virginica)
 echograms, 3-D
 ECOMON (Ecosystem Monitoring)
 ecosystems & ecology  See also: habitat
     Ecosystem Monitoring (ECOMON), cruises
     Ecosystem Monitoring Group, RI
     Ecosystems & Aquaculture Division (EAD), NJ, RI, MA
     Ecosystems Dynamics & Assessment Branch (EDAB)
     Ecosystems Surveys Branch (ESB), MA
     Fisheries & Climate
     Food Web Dynamics Program (FWDP), MA
     Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC), RI
     Population & Ecosystems Monitoring & Analysis Division (PEMAD), MA, RI
 education  See: jobs; children; students
 Edwards, Vinal Nye
 Electronic Monitoring System (EMS)
 eMOLT (Environmental Monitors on Lobster Traps)
 employment  See: jobs
 Endangered Species Act (ESA)
 equipment  See: gear & equipment
 ERDDAP (Environmental Research Division Data Access Program)
 Essential Fish Habitat (EFH), publications
 events  See: seminars & meetings
 exports & imports (Northeast Region)

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 Facebook (NEFSC/GARFO)
 Facility Operation and Safety Branch
     age & growth
     species, about
     staff, for individual species
     tag reporting
 Fish Hawk (R/V), MA
 Fisheries & Climate
 Fisheries Engineering Group, RI
 Fisheries Logbook Data Recording System (FLDRS)
 Fisheries Sampling Branch (FSB), MA
 Fisheries Toolbox (NFT)
 Fishermen's Reports.  See: Resource Survey Reports
 Fishery Biology Program (FBP), MA
 Fishery Management Councils
 Fishery Monitoring & Research Division (FMRD), MA
 Flatfish Biology Conference, CT
 FLDRS (Fisheries Logbook Data Recording System)
     fluke (Paralichthys dentatus)
     lemon sole (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)
     summer (Paralichthys dentatus)
     winter (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)
     yellowtail (Limanda ferruginea)
 Food Web Dynamics Program (FWDP) , MA
     CTD Service Request
     samples request
 FSB Memos (Fisheries Sampling Branch)

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 GARFO (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office), MA
 gear & equipment  See also: surveys
     Advanced Sampling Technologies Research Group (ASTRG), MA
     bottom trawl, design
     dredging effects
     FLDRS (Fisheries Logbook Data Recording System)
     Fisheries Engineering Group, RI
     otolith sectioning system
     Protected Species Gear Research
     trawl warp (archive)
     Turtle Excluder Device (TED)
 Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC), RI
 Gloria Michelle (NOAA R/V), MA
     age & growth
     nautical terms
     NOAA Fisheries
 GOMMI (Gulf of Maine Mapping Initiative), NJ
 goosefish (Lophius americanus)
 Grampus (ship), MA
 gray seal (Halichoerus grypus grypus)
 Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO), MA
     Brief History of the Groundfishing Industry of New England
     Operational Assessments (OA)
     Stock Assessment Review Index (SARI)
 Gulf of Maine Mapping Initiative (GOMMI), NJ

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 habitat  See also: ecosystems & ecology
     Ecosystems & Aquaculture Division
     Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) (publications)
     Northeast Salmon Team (NEST), MA, ME
     Restoration Center, RI
 haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
     red (Urophycis chuss)
     silver (Merluccius bilinearis)
 harbor seal (Phoca vitulina concolor)
 Henry B. Bigelow (NOAA Ship)
     Atlantic (Clupea harengus)
     River Herring Project
     Historical Data Rescue (1948-1975)
     Milford Laboratory, CT
     NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center)
     James J. Howard Marine Science Laboratory, NJ
     Photo Gallery
     publications, classic
     Woods Hole, MA
          History and Contributions of the WH Fisheries Laboratory
 hydroacoustics  See: acoustics
 hydrography, cruises

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 images  See also:   multimedia;  newsroom
     maps, interactive
        fishing communities
        sea turtles, tracking
     photos & slide shows
        Food Web Dynamics Program (FWDP)
        Gulf of Maine Mapping Initiative (GOMMI), NJ
        James J. Howard Laboratory Digital Library, NJ
        NEFSC Photo Gallery
 imports & exports (Northeast Region)
 Industry-Funded Scallop Program (IFS)
     fisheries, quick info
     NMFS search tool
 internships  See: jobs
 invertebrates  See: species

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 James E. Hanks Memorial Research Library, CT
 James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory, NJ
     internships (high school & college)
     USAJOBS Pathways (college)
        Woods Hole Science Aquarium

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     James J. Howard Marine Sciences, NJ
     Maine Field Station
     Milford, CT
     Narragansett, RI
     Woods Hole, MA
     Endangered Species Act (ESA)
     Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
     Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
     Northeast Groundfish Amendment 13
 lemon sole (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)
 Libraries, NEFSC
 lobster, American (Homarus americanus)
    eMOLT (Environmental Monitors on Lobster Traps)
    ERDDAP (Environmental Research Division Data Access Program)
 longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii)
 Loran, converter

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 mackerel, Atlantic (Scomber scombrus)
 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
 Maine Field Station
 maps and mapping  See also:  directions
     Fishing Footprints
     Gulf of Maine Mapping Initiative (GOMMI), NJ
     sea turtles
     spatial analysis, species
 Marine Chemistry Branch, NJ
 marine mammals
     Incidental Take Reports
     Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
     NOEPS, education
     Protected Species Branch (PSB), MA
     stock assessments
     whales & dolphins
        Fisheries Engineering Group, RI
        Right Whale Sighting Advisory System (SAS)
        sightings (archive)
 Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP)
 marine turtles  See: sea turtles
 Market News
 media  See also: images; newsroom; social media
 Milford Laboratory, CT
 Milford Laboratory Library
 monkfish (Lophius americanus)
     Cooperative Monkfish Tagging Study
     Monkfish Egg Veil Sighting Network
     Monkfish Research Program, MA
 MRIP (Marine Recreational Information Program)
 multimedia See also:  images; social media
     animations & visualizations
        Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
        Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
        fish distribution
        Market News
        Prey Identification Sheets
        spatial analysis, species
     audio & video
        Sounds in the Ocean
        Speed Talks
        Voices from the Fisheries

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 Narragansett Laboratory, RI
     Apex Predators Program (PP)
     Narragansett Bay Project
     Reading Room
 NEFOP (Northeast Fisheries Observer Program), MA
 NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center)
     Strategic Science Plan (2016-2021)
 NEPAN (Northeast Acoustic Network)
 NERO (Northeast Regional Office) [former name] See: GARFO, MA
 New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC)
 NFT (NOAA Fisheries Toolbox)
     NOAA Fisheries
     staff, directory
 NOAA Fisheries Toolbox (NFT)
 NOEPS (NOAA Outreach and Education), MA
 North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) See: marine mammals
 Northeast Cooperative Research Program (NECRP)
 Northeast Fisheries Observer Program (NEFOP), MA
 Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC)
 Northeast Region Trade Summary
 Northeast Regional Cod Tagging Program (NRCTP)
 Northeast Regional Office (NERO) [former name]    See: GARFO, MA
 Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (SAW/SARC)
 Northeast Salmon Team (NEST), ME, MA, RI
 Northeast Sea Turtle Tagging and Tracking
 northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis)
 Northwest Atlantic Inter-Agency Collaboration (acoustics)

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     Fisheries Sampling Branch (FSB), MA
     Northeast Fisheries Observer Program (NEFOP), MA
     Observer Training Center, MA
 ocean acidification, MI, NJ
 ocean perch (Sebastes spp.)
 ocean quahog (Arctica islandica)
     Ecosystem Monitoring Group, RI
     Oceans and Climate Branch, MA, RI
     spatial analysis, species
 Online Fish Tag Reporting
 Operational Assessments (OA), groundfish
 Operations, Management, and Information (OMI), MA
 organization chart
 otoliths  See: age & growth

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 passive acoustics
 PEP (Woods Hole Partnership Education Program)
 perch, ocean (Sebastes spp.)
 permits, Northeast
 Phalarope (R/V), MA
 phone lists  See:  contacts
 photos  See:  images
 pink shrimp (Pandalus borealis)
 pinnipeds  See: marine mammals
 pollock (Pollachius virens)
 Population Biology Branch (PBB), MA, RI
 Population Dynamics Branch (PopDy) , MA
     staff, for individual species
 Population & Ecosystems Monitoring & Analysis Division
 Port Agents
 posters  See:  images
 press releases
 Pre-Trip Notification System (PTNS)
 Prey ID, training
 program reviews
 Protected Species Branch (PSB), MA, ME
 PTNS (Pre-Trip Notification System)
     Ecosystems Surveys Branch (ESB)
     EFH (Essential Fish Habitat) (archive)
     historical articles
     Maine Field Station (ASERT)
     MMSA (Marine Mammal Stock Assessments)
     Population Dynamics Branch (PopDy)
     Protected Species Branch (PSB)
     US Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee

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 quahog, ocean (Arctica islandica)
 questions   See also: contacts
     quick info
     websites, technical

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 red hake (Urophycis chuss)
 redfish, Acadian (Sebastes spp.)
 reports, NEFSC
 Research Communications Branch (RCB), MA
 Research Set-Aside (RSA)
 Resource Evaluation and Assessment Division (READ), MA
 Resource Survey Reports
 Restoration Center, RI
 reviews, science program
 right whale (Eubalaena glacialis)  See: marine mammals
 River Herring Project
 RSA (Research Set-Aside)

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 salmon, Atlantic   See: Atlantic salmon
 sampling   See also: age & growth
     Advanced Sampling Technologies Research Group (ASTRG), MA
     Fishery Sampling Branch (FSB) , MA
     samples, request form
 Sandy Hook Laboratory, NJ
 SARI (Stock Assessment Review Index)
 SASINF (Stock Assessment Support Information)
 SAS (Sighting Advisory System) (right whales)
 SAW/SARC (Stock Assessment Workshops)
 SBRM (Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology)
     Atlantic sea (Placopecten magellanicus)
     Industry-Funded Scallop Program (IFS)
 Science Plan, NEFSC (2016-2021)
 science program, reviews
 Science Spotlight
 Scup (Stenotomus chrysops), cooperative tagging
 sea squirt (archive)
 sea turtles
     Northeast Sea Turtle Tagging and Tracking
     Protected Species Branch (PSB), MA
     Turtle Excluder Device (TED)
 seals  See: marine mammals
 search tools & databases  See also: questions; data
     Cooperative Research, projects
     NOAA Fisheries
     SARI (Stock Assessment Review Index)
     SASINF (Stock Assessment Support Information)
 seawater, properties
 seminars & meetings
     announcements & events
     Milford Laboratory , CT
         Aquaculture Seminar
         Flatfish Biology Conference
     SAW/SARC (Stock Assessment Workshops)
     Woods Hole Laboratory Seminar Series , MA
     age & growth
     Apex Predators Program (APP), RI
     Cooperative Atlantic States Shark Pupping and Nursery, RI
     Cooperative Shark Tagging Program (CSTP), RI
     oyster, eastern (Crassostrea virginica)
     quahog, ocean (Arctica islandica)
     sea scallop, Atlantic (Placopecten maellanicus)
     staff, responsibilities
     surfclam, Atlantic (Spisula solidissima)
 ships  See also:  cruises;  surveys
     Albatross  See: Albatross
     Delaware II (R/V), MA
     Fish Hawk (R/V), MA
     Gloria Michelle (R/V), MA
     Grampus , MA
     Henry B. Bigelow (NOAA Ship)
          tour, interactive
     NAUVOO (R/V), NJ
     Phalarope (R/V), MA
     Ship of Opportunity (SOOP), NA
 shrimp, Atlantic northern (Pandalus borealis)
 Sighting Advisory System (SAS) (right whales)
 silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis)
 SIS (Species Information System)
 slide shows  See:  images
 social media
     Blog (NEFSC)
     Facebook (NEFSC/GARFO)
     Twitter (NEFSC)
 Social Sciences Branch (SSB)
     fishing communities
 software, modeling
 sole, lemon (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)
 SOOP (Ship of Opportunity), NA
 Sounds in the Ocean
     Commercial Fishery Species Guide
     age & growth
     invertebrates, benthic
     marine mammals
     sea turtles
     spatial analysis
     staff responsibilities (PopDy)
 Speed Talks
 spiny dogfish, Atlantic (Squalus acanthias)
 squid, longfin inshore (Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii)
 SSB (Social Sciences Branch)
 staff  See: contacts
 Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology (SBRM)
     NOAA Fisheries
 stock assessments  See also: cruises; surveys
     Benchmark Stock Assessments
     marine mammals
     NOAA Fisheries Toolbox (NFT)
     Operational Assessments (OA)
     Population Dynamics Branch (PopDy), MA
     SAW/SARC (Stock Assessment Workshops)
     Stock Assessment Review Index (SARI)
     Stock Assessment Support Information (SASINF)
 stories, historical
 Strategic Science Plan, NEFSC (2016-2021)
 striped bass, Atlantic (Morone saxatilis)
 students  See also: jobs
     Academic Programs
     Drifter Program, MA
     NOEPS (NOAA Outreach and Education), MA
     salmon, activities
 Study Fleet, MA, RI
 summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus)
 surfclam, Atlantic (Spisula solidissima)
 surveys  See also: cruises;  stock assessments
     Historical Data Rescue (1948-1975)
     marine mammals
     Protected Species Branch, MA
     Resource Survey Reports
     samples, request form
     Shelf-Wide Plankton Surveys (ECOMON)
     Ship of Opportunity (SOOP), NA
 Systematics Laboratory, DC

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 tagging  See: cooperative research
 Take Reduction Team (TRT) (marine mammals)
 Technical Memoranda NMFS
 tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps)
 timelines, historical
 tomography, Atlantic herring, (Clupea harengus)
 TRAC (Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee)
 trade data
     observers, Fisheries Sampling Branch
     Prey ID
     bottom trawl, design
     Historical Data Rescue (1948-1975)
     warp offset (archive)
 turtles   See: sea turtles
 Twitter (NEFSC)

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 US Atlantic Salmon Assessments
 US GLOBEC NW Atlantic/Georges Bank Study, RI


 vessels  See: ships
 videos & visualizations  See: multimedia
 Voices from the Fisheries
     Woods Hole Science Aquarium (NEFSC), MA

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 Walford Library, NJ
 warp offset, trawls (archive)
 whales  See: marine mammals
 whiting (Merluccius bilinearis)
 Why NEFSC Conducts Surveys
 winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)
 Woods Hole, MA (community)
     centers, scientific
     Diversity Advisory Committee
     maps, directions
 Woods Hole Laboratory, MA
 Woods Hole Laboratory Library, MA
 Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP)
 Woods Hole Laboratory Reference Documents (WHLRD)
 Woods Hole Science Aquarium (NEFSC), MA
 workshops  See: seminars & meetings

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 yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea)
     Cooperative Yellowtail Flounder Tagging Project



Contact Indexer
Updated: 12/20/18
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