Developing Roundtables

There is no one way to address HPV vaccination rates; each state/community/jurisdiction has its own set of challenges, opportunities, and systems to tackle. CDC encourages local immunization programs to coordinate with clinician groups, cancer leaders, and others to develop a strategic, tailored approach for increasing HPV vaccination rates in their area. This process is not easy, and evidence shows that applying multiple strategies results in the most improvement.

Based on best practices and real-life experiences, CDC has developed a few roundtable priorities that can lead to establishing a successful and effective coalition.

When developing a roundtable, the first step should be establishing HPV vaccination as a priority.

Once partners are interested, determining the purpose and priorities for the group helps to start moving things in the right direction.

Action Planning
Create an Action Plan with measurable goals based on SMART objectives. This plan should capture a basic timeline, with goals for each type of coalition activity.

Discover how to increase public awareness of and support for HPV vaccination as cancer prevention, and promote strategies to maintain group efforts.

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Page last reviewed: November 15, 2016