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2015 Year in Review

This special report highlights some of the Defense Department's most critical issues. While the department intensified its fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who took office in February, launched initiatives to build the force of the future, seek breakthrough technologies and open opportunities for women. The department also continued missions in the Asia-Pacific region, Eastern Europe and Afghanistan, and emerged from budget uncertainty with a multiyear deal.

  • 1 Soldiers aiming a gun while training.

    The Fight Against ISIL

  • 2 A view of a pilot flying a plane.

    Force of the Future

  • 3 A helicopter taking off from an aircraft carrier.

    Asia-Pacific Rebalance

  • 4 Defense Secretary Ash Carter speaking at a briefing.

    Multiyear Budget Deal

  • 5 Soldiers sitting, one behind a rifle and the other using binoculars.

    European Security

  • 6 A military robot that resembles a dog.

    Tech Outreach

  • 7 Troops walking with a helicopter in the sky behind them.

    Afghanistan Mission

  • 8 A serviceman seated shooting a turret.

    Women in Service

  • 9 A collage of various defense leaders.

    Welcoming New Chiefs

  • 10 Relief personell carrying some affected by a disaster on a stretcher with a helicopter taking off behind them.

    DoD Disaster Response