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Our Director Director's Blog

As we look forward to the beginning of 2014, I want to thank everyone in the OPM family for another extraordinary year of service to the federal workforce, to retirees, their families and the American people.

Looking back on 2013, OPM employees have worked through many challenges to achieve so much. And they never missed a beat in their efforts to ensure that the work of this vital agency continued.  The agency made strides in such important areas as improving retirement processing, increasing the percentage of new hires who are veterans and people with disabilities, implementing key provisions of the Affordable Care Act and beginning work on the reform of our IT systems.

And I want to thank OPM for welcoming me as its new Director and for the support I’ve been given as this important agency begins the next chapter in its history.

2014 is going to be an exciting and busy year. I’m looking forward to ensuring that OPM continues to make the federal government a model employer for the 21st Century. We must find ways to honor government employees here and around the world, strive to create a workforce that is engaged, innovative, inclusive and reflects the brilliant mosaic of the America we all serve.

All my best wishes for a Happy New Year!

As we celebrate the holidays this week, I want to take a moment to thank all OPM employees for their hard work and dedication to serving the Federal workforce, Federal annuitants, and their families all across this great country and the world.

What the workforce at OPM does every day means so much to so many people, and I didn’t want this season of caring and hope to go by without saying how much I appreciate all of their efforts.  In addition, I am so grateful for the warm welcome everyone at the agency has given me as we begin this journey at OPM together.

For many, this will be a time to celebrate with loved ones both near and far.  Children away at school will find their way home. The hustle and bustle of our busy lives will be put aside for a few days as we treasure the time away from the daily pressures of the important work of serving the nation.

Some will be on duty for the American people during this holiday season. Many Federal workers who maintain the safety of our airports, stand guard over Federal facilities, tend to our wounded warriors and perform so many other vital Government functions will remain vigilant during this holiday time. To them and everyone who makes up this world-class workforce, I thank you for your continued service.

I wish you and yours a Happy Holiday!

Federal employees do great work. On Friday, I asked federal employees to tell me about what they were proud of accomplishing in the past year. I got some great responses, and here were three of my favorites!

Steve Lewis at the US Trade and Development Agency shared some of their social media accomplishments from this past year. During World Trade Month they held three separate #TradeChats to talk about trade across the federal government. You can read all about it on their site: It’s a great example of how federal agencies are using social media to reach their audiences.

Lisa Wolfisch shared on Twitter that she’s proud of making the U.S. Census Bureau data accessible in new ways. You can find out more about their accomplishments at

And a user named Nic at Nite gave my favorite answer! I’ll let that tweet speak for itself.

Thank you all for participating. Keep sending me your successes; I always want to hear them because I know there is truly great work going on throughout the government 365 days a year. You can email them to, tweet them @OPMDirector or leave me a comment on Facebook

Happy Holidays!

Today, OPM released the “2012 Employment of People with Disabilities in the Federal Executive Branch Report.” This report has some very exciting news. At no point in the past 32 years have people with disabilities been hired at a higher percentage than in FY 2012. People with targeted disabilities are also being brought into the Federal workforce at a higher percentage now than at any time in the past 17 years.  This success has led to more people with disabilities in Federal service, both in real terms and by percentage than at any time in the past 32 years.

We have made outstanding progress toward meeting the President’s goal of hiring 100,000 people with disabilities in 5 years (Executive Order 13548- Increasing Federal Employment of Individuals with Disabilities). I applaud my fellow Federal employees for their hard work and dedication. As I have said before, when we set the bar high, when we strive to push our own boundaries of thinking, we move the needle. And that is what we have done. By including more people with disabilities in the Federal workforce, we are stronger and better able to serve America.

Still,  our work is not done. I want to encourage Federal employees and the disability community to continue the work of recruiting, retaining and including employees with disabilities at all levels of government. We must do more to recruit people with targeted disabilities and to make sure that we are retaining this talent. We must continue to build stronger pipelines into Federal service and ensure that we are cultivating and attracting the talent that we need so that -- from resume through retirement-- we have the strongest workforce possible.  

Today, the Partnership for Public Service released their “2013 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government” rankings. I’m proud to say that the U.S. Office of Personnel Management ranks in at #8 among mid-sized agencies.

The employees here at OPM deserve this recognition. Their focus on mission, and on public service, is what makes the U.S. Office of Personnel Management one of the best places to work in government. In my first week, I challenged OPM employees to set the bar high, to achieve what was previously thought impossible. Every day they rise to that challenge. That commitment to succeed is what makes this a great place to work.

From the Partnership for Public Service:

Designed to help a broad audience of government leaders, employees and job seekers, the 2013 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® rankings drew on responses from more than 376,000 civil servants to produce a detailed view of employee satisfaction and commitment across 371 federal agencies and subcomponents.

The Partnership for Public Service uses data from the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey to rank agencies and their subcomponents according to a Best Places to Work index score. Agencies and subcomponents are measured on overall employee satisfaction and scored on 10 workplace categories, such as effective leadership, employee skills–mission match, pay, teamwork and work–life balance.

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