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Funding Opportunities

IES Research Funding Opportunities Live and On-Demand Webinars

The Institute of Education Sciences is hosting live webinars as well as a series of on-demand webinars for those interested in FY 2019 funding opportunities. The webinars are presented by staff from the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) and the National Center for Education Research (NCER) and resources include presentations, transcripts, and closed-caption video recordings. All live webinars will be recorded and the recording, presentation and transcript will be available soon after the live webinar is held. We also encourage you to e-mail the program officer questions that are specific to your project. For more information on specific competitions, visit the IES funding opportunities website.

On Demand Webinars

IES Basic Overview of Research Grants and Information for New Applicants to IES
In this webinar, IES staff provide general information about the funding opportunities in NCER and NCSER, the IES goal structure, and the peer review process. IES staff also provide tips for first time applicants. If you have not applied to IES before, or you are considering applying to IES, this webinar provides a broad overview of our grant funding and some considerations to help you decide whether to submit an application.
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IES Grant Writing Workshop
This Grant Writing Workshop webinar focuses on more in-depth information about preparing applications in response to Requests for Applications and the IES goal structure.
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IES Application Process
During this Application Process webinar, IES staff provide information regarding the grant submission process. Topics focus on the application instructions, including content, registration and submission through, and application forms.
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Low-Cost, Short-Duration Evaluation of Education and Special Education Interventions
This webinar provides an overview of two grant competitions focused on Low-Cost, Short-Duration Evaluations of Education Interventions (84.305L) and Special Education Interventions (84.324L). The webinar covers the general requirements related to student outcomes, education settings, interventions that can be studied, evaluation designs, partnerships between researchers and education agencies, and products to be disseminated. The application deadline for these two competitions is March 7, 2019.
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National Research and Development Centers
IES staff provide an overview of this R&D; Center funding opportunity through the Education Research and Development Center Program (84.305C) during this webinar. It includes information on both topics within this program:

The application deadline for this competition was August 9, 2018.
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Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Policy and Practice in Special Education: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
During this webinar, IES staff provide an overview of NCSER's funding opportunity through Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Policy and Practice (84.324N) focused on the topic of integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). MTSS are frameworks that provide multiple levels of support through coordinated, evidence-based practices, strategies, and structures to meet the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs of all learners. For this topic, MTSS must occur at the elementary school level, integrate both academic and behavioral supports, and address the needs of children with or at risk for disabilities. The application deadline for this competition was August 9, 2018.
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NCSER Research Training Programs in Special Education: Early Career Development and Mentoring
During this webinar, NCSER staff review the Early Career grants topic within NCSER Research Training Programs in Special Education (84.324B). This program provides support for an integrated research and career development plan for investigators in the early stages of their academic careers who have established an interest in special education research. The ultimate aim of this program is to help launch independent research careers focused on infants, toddlers, children, and youth with or at risk for disabilities. The award will provide support for research (including salary for protected time to conduct research) and career development that includes training under the guidance of an experienced mentor or mentors. The application deadline for this competition was August 23, 2018.
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Partnerships and Collaborations Focused on Problems of Practice or Policy
This webinar will focus on information on applying for research grants within the Partnerships and Collaborations Focused on Problems of Practice or Policy (84.305H) program. It will include information on both topics within this program:

The application deadline for this competition was August 23, 2018.
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Funding Opportunities for Minority Serving Institutions
During this webinar, IES staff provide a general overview of funding opportunities at IES for applicants from Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). This webinar is tailored to researchers and sponsored programs officers from MSIs that are new to IES, as well as those who are resubmitting applications from prior competitions.
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PDF File View, download, and print the transcript as a PDF file (124 KB)

This page will be updated soon with additional live and on-demand webinars related to IES Funding Opportunities.