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Infographic: Easy as ABC

Easy as ABC Infographic




Title: Easy as ABC – Three Steps to Protect Your Child During Emergencies in the School Day

A Ask how you would be reunited with your child in an emergency of evacuation
B Bring extra medications, special food, or supplies your child would need if you were separated overnight
C Complete a backpack card and tuck one in your child’s backpack and your wallet

ASK how you would be reunited with your child in an emergency or evacuation
How would you find your child if an emergency happened during the school day?

  • If students had to evacuate, where should parents/guardians go for pick up?
  • How would the school notify you in the event of emergency?

BRING extra medications, special food, or supplies your child would need if you were separated overnight
An emergency might require a sudden sleepover. Tell school administrators about any extra supplies your child may need to safely make it through a night away from home.

  • What essential supplies would your child need if separated from you overnight? (Medications? Inhaler? Milk? Diapers? Battery pack for special equipment?)
  • Does the school have an emergency stockpile of these items? Yes No
  • If your child has special medications, can extras be kept at the school? Yes No
  • What is the school policy for how and when medicine can be administered to your child?

COMPLETE a backpack card and tuck one in your child’s backpack and your wallet
Emergencies are chaotic! Make sure your child or their school knows how to reach you, and who should be called if your phone isn’t working.
Complete an emergency contact card to make sure you and your child know how to get in touch quickly.