eBuy Open - GSA First Pilot

The eBuy Open GSA First Pilot is a one-year pilot beginning October 17, 2018. The pilot tests whether increased transparency of eBuy business opportunities will accomplish increased competition with minimal negative effects on critical performance metrics.

Surveys will be disseminated to test group participants, awarded vendors, and industry to collect subjective information on the effect the pilot is having on their operations, and progress towards achieving the pilot’s goals. Orders on the Transportation, Delivery and Relocation Solutions (48), the Hardware Superstore (51V), and the Office Products/Supplies and Services and New Products/Technology (75) Schedules are excluded from the pilot.

GSA periodically receives requests from the public and the media to provide a public view of contract opportunities posted in eBuy.

The eBuy Open GSA First Pilot is a deliberate step towards increasing transparency and this approach:

  • Builds on previous attempts by GSA to share post award notice on orders;
  • Seeks to balance stakeholder concerns that increased transparency could result in a lower number of quality quotes, increase the number of protests, and the impact other competing agency contract vehicles;
  • Provides an opportunity to test the premise that an increased view of post-award RFQ information will result in more competition on similar requirements and an increase in new entrants into GSA acquisition programs; and
  • Provides FAS with a mechanism to measure whether increased transparency has any unintended consequences or negative impacts on competition.

At the end of the pilot a final review will be conducted to determine whether FAS should take additional steps to increase transparency.

Please visit our MAS Interact community to learn more about this GSA First Pilot

print Share Icon Last Reviewed 2018-11-01