Understanding HPV Coverage

The latest HPV vaccination coverage estimates in the 2017 National Immunization Survey-Teen show that HPV vaccination rates are increasing as more adolescents are up to date on HPV vaccination. In 2017, roughly half (49 percent) of adolescents were up to date on the HPV vaccine, and 66 percent of adolescents ages 13-17 years received the first dose to start the vaccine series.

Still, 51 percent of adolescents have not completed the HPV vaccine series, and 56 percent of adolescents have not received both doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine. Also, fewer adolescents in rural areas, compared with adolescents in urban areas, are getting the HPV and meningococcal conjugate vaccines.

CDC encourages clinicians to recommend HPV vaccination the same day and same way they recommend other vaccines for their adolescent patients.

5 out of 10 adolescents are up to date on HPV vaccination.
HPV Vaccination Coverage Data
TeenVaxView is designed to help you access survey data collected by CDC and translate the data into action. This data can help you identify where additional efforts are needed to increase vaccination coverage.


HPV Vaccine Coverage Maps – Infographic
The NIS-Teen provides national, state, and selected local area estimates of vaccination coverage, including new vaccines as they are licensed and recommended for use.


President’s Cancer Panel Report
President’s Cancer Panel ReportExternal
The President’s Cancer Panel has released a report calling for a coordinated effort to increase rates of vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV).


Healthy People 2020
Healthy People 2020External
Healthy People 2020 goals for immunization and infectious diseases are rooted in evidence-based clinical and community activities and services for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.


Community Guide-Increasing Appropriate Vaccination
Community Guide-Increasing Appropriate VaccinationExternal
Community Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations and Findings on Increasing Appropriate Vaccination lists interventions reviewed by the Community Guide, with a summary of the Task Force finding.


Page last reviewed: August 23, 2018