Employment Opportunities

Current Vacancies

AG-18-2019-0018--ERS Administrator, ES 00
(Closing date: Friday, December 14, 2018)​

The Economic Research Service (ERS) Postdoctoral Program

Postdoctoral researchers at ERS conduct both independent and collaborative research on issues that matter, and enjoy a challenging environment in which to continue their professional careers.

Summer Internship

Under the Pathways Program, ERS hires students for summer internship positions. Applicants must be enrolled at least half-time at an accredited school (university, graduate, or professional school) and be in good academic standing (2.0 GPA or better). Students are hired to work full-time but may work part-time if discussed when the student is hired.

The Summer internship vacancy announcements closed February 16, 2018. Please check this page next year for the 2019 Summer Intern job announcements. 

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