Trending Topics

  • Hurricane Impacts on Agriculture
    ERS and USDA resources covering recent hurricane impacts, as well as historical and background information reporters may find useful.
  • National Coalition for Food and Agriculture Research (NC-FAR) Lunch and Learn
    ERS staff participated in a Lunch and Learn with the National Coalition for Food and Agriculture Research. Find links to recent ERS reports related to their presentations.
  • Pumpkins: Background & Statistics
    ERS provides background data and statistics on pumpkin production, use, wholesale and retail prices, and yield in the United States, and includes selected data on the top six producing States.
  • Turkey Sector: Background & Statistics
    Seasonal feature: ERS provides background data on U.S. turkey production, use, and trade since 2012, as well as wholesale and retail prices.
  • News Release: 2017 Research Highlights
    The USDA’s Economic Research Service produced key research in 2017 on topics ranging from socioeconomic trends in rural America to the economic effects of food labels, enhancing the public’s understanding of agriculture and food issues that affect Americans’ daily lives.
  • New Website Navigation
    On Thursday, Nov. 2, the ERS website debuted a new site navigation. Users, particularly on mobile devices, can easily and more quickly access relevant content through the new menu and featured pages. Visit and explore.
  • “Transformers: The Future of Foodâ€? - Washington Post Panel Discussion
    ERS Administrator Mary Bohman participated in a panel discussion at the Washington Post on Tuesday, June 13.