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Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers

Image of Karlease Kelly
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Agriculture
Image of USDA Seal
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Agriculture
Image of Tyra Dent Smith
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Commerce
Ronna Rowe Garrett
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Defense
Image of Veronica Hinton
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Defense
Image of Education Seal
Acting Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Education
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Energy
Image of HHS seal
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Health and Human Services
Image of Roland Edwards
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Homeland Security
Acting Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Image of DOI seal
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Interior
Acting Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Justice
Image of DOL seal
Acting Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Labor
Image of Philippe Lussier
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of State
Department of Treasury
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of the Treasury
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Transportation
Image of Keith Washington
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration
Department of Transportation
Image of Nathan Maenle
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Department of Veterans Affairs
Image of Wesley Carpenter
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Environmental Protection Agency
Merrick Krause, DCHCO GSA
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
General Services Administration
