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Indian Child Welfare


About Us


The State of Alaska Department of Health & Social Services (DHSS), Office of Children's Services (OCS) strongly supports the Indian Child Welfare (ICWA) and continues to build federal ICWA mandates into all levels of OCS Child Welfare. We continue to develop positive collaborative and communicative partnerships with all Native organizations and Alaska Native Tribal organizations.


Upcoming Events

  • ICWA Training
    January 17-18, 2019 (Bethel)
  • Knowing Who You Are AK Workshop
    February 7-8, 2019 (Anchorage)
  • ICWA Training
    February 20-21, 2019 (Anchorage)
  • Knowing Who You Are AK Workshop
    April 9-10, 2019 (Palmer/Wasilla)
  • ICWA Training
    April 11-12, 2019 (Wasilla)
  • Knowing Who You Are AK Workshop
    May 1-2, 2019 (Anchorage)
  • ICWA Training
    May 29-30, 2019 (Anchorage)
  • ICWA Training
    June 11-12, 2019 (Juneau)​​
  • ICWA Training
    August 27-28, 2019 (Anchorage)
  • ICWA Training
    November 18-19, 2019 (Anchorage)
Websites that you can look through for current news and information on Indian Child Welfare, Institutional Racism, and Alaska Native issues.  

Quick Facts for Alaska

  • American Indian or Alaska Native is identified as one of the categories of race by the Federal government.

  • There are 229 federally recognized Tribes in Alaska, out of the “Alaska Native” demographic. There are many more Tribes but not federally recognized.

  • There are 10 different ethnicities of Alaska Native people identified.(Athabascan, Yup'ik, Cup’ik, Inupiaq, Unangax/Aleut, Alutiiq/Sugpiaq, Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian)

  • There are many different cultures within each Alaska Native ethnicity.

  • There is only one Tribe with Federally recognized reservation status in Alaska (Metlakatla).

  • There are only two Tribes with exclusive jurisdiction in Alaska (Barrow and Chevak).
