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DHSS Office of Substance Misuse a​nd Addiction Prevention

The Alaska Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention, established in July of 2017, uses a public health approach to prevent and reduce substance use disorders and supports community-based activities across Alaska. The office is involved in the State of Alaska’s opioid disaster response. It also provides collaborative leadership to develop evidence-based strategies to reduce substance misuse and addiction on a variety of substances. It provides subject matter expertise on prescription drugs (including prescription opioids), illicit drugs (heroin, meth and cocaine), marijuana and alcohol (FASD). The office’s strategies include efforts to improve public and professional knowledge on substance misuse and addiction, promoting safe and healthy communities.

Community volunteers participating in a Project Hope event where they assembled opioid overdose reversal kits.


Implement public health approaches to prevent and reduce substance use disorders and support community-based activities across Alaska.

Core values

  • Community:
    Engage with individual citizens and community-based coalitions
  • Communication:
    Use evidence-informed methods to improve public, provider and media knowledge of substance misuse and addiction
  • Collaboration:
    Work with State of Alaska agencies and external partners to lead a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral prevention response

More information

For more information on the Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention, contact