Program Snapshot

The Common Fund’s Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Program (KOMP2) provides broad, standardized phenotyping of a genome-wide collection of mouse knockouts.

KOMP2 issued its first awards in 2011 and was enthusiastically approved for a second stage in 2016. KOMP2 awardees have collaborated with the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) to undertake standardized phenotyping of 20,000 knockout mouse strains. The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) was formed from a group of funding organizations, including the NIH KOMP2, and major mouse research centers to consider the opportunities presented by the large number of mouse mutants generated by global efforts of the International Mouse Knockout Consortium (IMKC) and to maximize their biomedical utility through large-scale phenotyping. The organization of the IMPC is described in a marker paper. Since founding of the IMPC, uniform phenotyping protocols, data collection, and reporting standards have been established. All data are made available via the IMPC data portal. KOMP2 awardees, in conjunction with the IMPC, have also published over 120 peer-reviewed publications, including papers systematically describing genes with previously unknown function in:

 Additionally, awardees have been at the forefront of studying sex differences. In a recent paper they comprehensively show that the sex of the mice influenced many phenotypes, highlighting the impact of sex differences in biomedicine and the need to account for those differences in all biomedical studies. KOMP2 has also developed a partnership with several Common Fund programs, including Kids First and Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG), to prioritize genes for phenotyping and provide data. More recently, KOMP2 has implemented phenotyping pipelines that will also explore phenotypes in aging and pain.

Visit the Consortium Website!

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Learn more about the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium here:

This page last reviewed on December 21, 2018