Common Fund Outreach Activities

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[image]Are you a potential Common Fund applicant, partner, or collaborator? Do you require additional information regarding the Common Fund's goals and/or funding opportunities? Would you like to discuss how your current research may advance the goals of the Common Fund?

If so, then please consider attending one of the Common Fund outreach activities listed below. This list of activities represents an opportunity for you to attend a Common Fund presentation, discussion section or poster session hosted by Common Fund staff member or a Working Group (WG) member. View the respective meeting agendas to determine the exact time and location of the Common Fund outreach activities.

Meet the Common Fund at an Upcoming Event!

Meeting Title & Presentation Information Conference Dates Location Common Fund Program(s) Attending Attending
Meeting: 4D Nucleome Program-American Society for Cell Biology Satellite Meeting December 7, 2018 San Diego, CA 4D Nucleome Olivier Blondel, Judith Mietz, Ananda Roy, and more

This page last reviewed on September 25, 2018