Legacy HomepageNewsSpecial ReportsTravels with the SecretaryMattis Visits North Dakota, Nebraska, Mexico

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September 2017
Travels with Jim Mattis, Secretary of Defense

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis traveled to North Dakota and Nebraska to focus on the nuclear enterprise. He toured a missile alert facility and an ICBM warheads storage area at Minot Air Force Base, before meeting with leaders at U.S. Strategic Command in Omaha. The secretary then traveled to Mexico City to strengthen the bilateral defense relationship and participate in the Mexican Independence Day activities.

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Mattis Visits Bomber Crews, Missileers on Nuclear-Focused Trip

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is on a three-day nuclear-focused trip that comes during ongoing reviews of the U.S. nuclear posture and ballistic missile defense, with stops in North Dakota, Nebraska and Mexico. Story

Secretary Jim Mattis ABOUT THE SECRETARY

Jim Mattis became the 26th defense secretary Jan. 20, 2017. During more than four decades in uniform, he commanded Marines at all levels, including in combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a joint force commander, he commanded U.S. Joint Forces Command, NATO's Supreme Allied Command for Transformation and U.S. Central Command.