Electronic Reading Room

Welcome to the Farm Service Agency Freedom of Information Act (eFOIA) Electronic Reading Room. The Electronic Reading Room contains documents specifically identified for inclusion by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as well as documents for which we have received multiple FOIA requests.

Frequently Requested Information

This site provides Farm Payment Data files for download.

FSA Historical Farm Loan Documents

This site provides an archival database of historical Farm Loan Notices.

Current FSA, RMA, and FAS Temporary Directives

This page provides access to all Farm and Foreign Agricultural Service Agencies temporary directives (commonly called "Notices").

NOTE: Files are available in PDF format only.

Current FSA Directives

This page provides access to FSA directives (commonly called "Handbooks").

NOTE: Files are available in PDF format only

Distribution of Obligations by Marital Status, Race/Ethnic Group and Sex

This 11 page PDF report provides access to information on farm loan data by race, national origin, and sex by state and region, as well as nationally, on an annual basis and as allowed by Federal privacy law.

Download the Distribution of Obligations by Marital Status, Race/Ethnic Group and Sex (PDF, 163 KB)

NOTE: Available in PDF format only.

FSA Government Cardholder Information

This 48 page PDF provides information regarding Purchase Cardholders is frequently requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The following lists USDA's cardholders and also the individuals designated to manage the purchase card program at different organizational levels.

Download the FSA Government Cardholder Information (PDF, 149 KB)

Selected Speeches and Testimony

Selected speeches and testimonies by Farm Service Agency Staff