Hoosier Women Lead

About Hoosier Women Lead

Progress in advancing women in elected offices has stagnated over the last decade. Nationally, women make up only about 17% of the U.S. Congress. In Indiana, about 21% of the General Assembly are women. In the Indiana Commission for Women's recent Hoosier Women Speak initiative, women's leadership, particularly in policy-making offices, was identified as one of the top five priority areas. ICW maintains data on women's progress as leaders, especially in elected offices in Indiana and has published a report on women in statel-level elected offices since 2008.


ICW serves as a collection site of women's progress as leaders with an emphasis on local, county and state government levels. Since 2008, ICW has been monitoring women's progress in leadership positions by providing a benchmark of women's status in the state legislature. In 2009 and 2010, ICW published "Women in the Indiana General Assembly" and has been collating statistics on women in all levels of government in Indiana. 

List of Women in Government

United States House of Representatives

Indiana Supreme Court

Indiana Elected Officials

Indiana Senate

Indiana House of Representatives