Speakers Bureaus

CDC and the American Cancer Society (ACS) HPV Roundtable have established a team of highly regarded and experienced gynecologists, oncologists, pediatricians, and cancer survivors who are ready to talk to their peers about the importance of HPV vaccination. Through speaker’s bureaus, experts and peers can connect personally with pediatricians and other immunization providers to stress the urgency of vaccinating preteens before they are exposed to HPV. Below are links to groups that you can contact to request speakers. A slide deck can also be provided to help give background and further information on vaccination.


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Survivor Speakers
HPV-related cancer survivors have a unique voice, and inviting a survivor to tell his or her story at a meeting, grand rounds, conference, or other event can be a powerful addition to your program or presentation. Watch survivor videos and find out what speakers are in your areaExternal.


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Clinician Speakers
Experienced gynecologists, oncologists, and other practitioners who care for patients with HPV-related cancers and diseases can inform pediatricians and other immunization providers of the importance of vaccination.


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Clinician Speaker Resources
Be an HPV vaccine champion! Talk to your colleagues in pediatrics and family medicine about the importance of recommending HPV vaccine to 11- or 12-year-olds in the same way and on the same day as Tdap and meningococcal conjugate vaccines.


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Page last reviewed: November 15, 2016