Materials for Parents

Providing educational resources to parents will help them understand the importance of vaccinating their children and answer many of their questions about vaccination. Below are links to CDC fact sheets, posters, schedules, and VISs that can be printed and handed out as needed.

Adolescent Vaccination Schedules
Adolescent Vaccination Schedules
The recommended immunization schedules list the age or age range when each vaccine or series of shots is recommended. If your preteen or teen (age 7 through 18 years old) has missed any shots, check with the doctor about getting back on track.

Fact sheets and Posters for all Adolescent Vaccines
Fact sheets and Posters for all Adolescent Vaccines
The materials on this page are designed to raise awareness about vaccine-preventable diseases and vaccine recommendations for preteens and teens with audience-tested messages and graphics. All materials are available for download.

HPV-specific Materials
HPV-specific Materials
Providers can use these CDC materials in their offices. Materials include posters, infographics, videos, radio PSAs, Hold messages, and a nurse letter.

Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)
Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)
Find the most current VISs for adolescent vaccines. A VIS should be given to the patient, parent, or legal guardian prior to every vaccine dose.

Video and Audio Resources
Video and Audio Resources
This page lists all podcasts, videos, and PSAs related to preteen and teen vaccines and the diseases they prevent, including HPV, meningitis, and pertussis.

Page last reviewed: November 15, 2016