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Chad Gorman

Chad Gorman is currently the Director of the National Exercise Division within the National
Preparedness Directorate at Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Headquarters.
Prior to taking this position in January 2017, Chad served as the Director of the Chemical,
Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Office since joining FEMA in March 2009.
During this period Chad established FEMA’s capabilities to manage and respond to a
catastrophic CBRN incident and worked within FEMA and with international, federal, state,
local, and private sector partners to enhance the nation’s ability to respond and recover from
CBRN and terrorism incidents. Prior to joining FEMA, he led DHS HQ planning efforts focused
on providing Departmental assets to support forward deployed military units in both Afghanistan
and Iraq and served as a senior counterterrorism intelligence officer with the Defense
Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, and DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Chad received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Maryland at College Park, his Masters
in Security Studies at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. He is also a graduate of
Harvard University – John F. Kennedy School of Government’s Senior Executive Fellows

Last Updated: 
08/22/2018 - 08:57