Public comment topics and process

The Commission will invite public comment in stages throughout the term of the hearings.

  • The Commission will invite comments on the topics covered in each hearing session. The FTC will issue a news release before each session to inform the public of the agenda, the date and location, and instructions on submitting comment.
  • The Commission will also invite public comment upon completion of the entire series of hearings.
  • Through August 20, 2018, the Commission accepted public comment on the topics identified in the announcement. Each topic description includes issues of particular interest to the Commission, but comments need not be restricted to these subjects.

The Commission is especially interested in new empirical research that indicates (or contraindicates) a causal relationship with respect to any of the topics identified for comment. Upon review and consideration of a public comment highlighting such research, the Commission may request the voluntary sharing of the data and models underlying the comment, in accordance with general principles of peer review of social scientific inquiry, and consistent with confidentiality or other limitations on the sharing of such data.

Topics open for comment


The comment period for these topics has closed, but submitted comments are available for review below. Commenters were invited to address one or more of the following topics generally, or with respect to a specific industry, such as the health care, high-tech, or energy industries. If an interested party wishes to make general comments about the hearings, we encourage filing a comment in response to any of the topics currently open.