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The NCI participates in the NIH-issued SBIR and an STTR Omnibus grant solicitation for small businesses, which allow small businesses to submit researcher-initiated projects that are within NIH’s mission. The 2015 Program Descriptions and Research Topics document explains priority research areas for the NCI SBIR and STTR programs, as well as US Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) and each of the other 24 participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). You may perform a "Ctrl-F" keyword search to identify NIH ICs that have overlapping program priorities with your research topic.
You can also use NIH Matchmaker to conduct keyword searches of your topic to identify ICs that have funded research in your area. With any specific idea, you should speak directly with the program official to guage their interest.
NCI also participates in targeted funding opportunity announcements for certain research areas, as well as an annual NIH SBIR contract. Find out more about the different NIH funding opportunity announcements.

Funding Opportunities for U.S. Small Businesses

If your small business concern (SBC) decides to apply, please use the SF424 (R&R) SBIR/STTR Application Guide (Version C), and the Annotated SF424 (R&R) SBIR/STTR Form Set (FORMS-C) for step-by-step instructions on how to complete the application. Both grant and contract applications require separate forms or appendices to be attached. Whether an attachment is required or not is often based on how you answer specific questions throughout the application (ie: related to human subject's research). You may find these forms or appendixes in your grant application package that you download from, or you may also access them online, here.
Updated: November 27, 2018