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ICHLA Commissioners

ICHLA Mission

The Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs is a non-partisan state agency working toward economic, educational, and social equality, including promoting cooperation and understanding. The Commission identifies, measures and reviews programs, legislation and researches challenges and opportunities affecting the Hispanic/Latino community. The Commission identifies solutions and provides recommendations to the governor and legislature.

Letter from the Chairwoman, Rebecca Espinoza Kubacki

It is my great honor to serve as chairwoman of the Indiana Commission for Hispanic and Latino Affairs. I am privileged to work with a board made up of dedicated and distinguished Latino leaders from throughout the state. Our mission is to promote economic, educational and social equity.

As the number of Latinos grows throughout the state, so do challenges. We are committed to finding solutions to meet these challenges and create opportunities for assimilation. One of our priorities will be to focus on creating an environment that will give children entering school a healthy start, stressing the importance of immunization and dental care. We will also work with families who have little or no experience in a formal classroom setting make an easier transition when their children enter school.

Latinos are the largest growing population in Indiana. Their contributions will strengthen Indiana's economy and add to the richness of our diverse communities.

When all is said and done we are not just Latinos, we are Hoosiers working together to make Indiana The State That Works.

Rebecca Espinoza Kubacki