Open Government

Open Government

Open Government

About Open Government

In the 21st Century, democracy demands an innovative approach to policymaking - an approach built on transparency, participation, and collaboration. These foundational qualities are the keys to creating a more effective government that taps the creativity and diversity of an entire nation to generate solutions to the challenges we face.

Implementing the President’s Memorandum on Open Government


The Open Government Directive and the Progress Report to the American People lay out how the United States is breaking down long-standing barriers between the Federal government and the people it serves. The Directive instructs agencies to take immediate, specific steps to open their doors and data to the American people.

The Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government ushers in a new era of open and accountable government meant to bridge the gap between the American people and their government.

Open Government Plan

The Department of Justice published its most recent Open Government Plan in 2016. 

The original plan, issued in 2010, contained ambitious goals intended to set the department on a road toward greater transparency, participation and collaboration. In the first section of this plan, we've revisited those goals and provided updates regarding the status of programs and projects we previously discussed. Many of our original projects have been completed and now serve as a resource to the public and our partners.

In the later sections of the plan, we've described new initiatives and projects that the department has begun to implement, or will implement, in the near future. Like our initial plan, we provide this plan to the public, knowing it will change and grow in response to feedback we receive.

If you have feedback on our Open Government Plan, please send to


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U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

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Directory of Department Officials

Open data at DOJ