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Operational Readiness Review

CDC’s Operational Readiness Review (ORR) is a rigorous, evidence-based assessment that evaluates state, local, and territorial planning and operational functions. Currently, the ORR primarily focuses on evaluating a jurisdiction’s ability to execute a large response requiring medical countermeasure (MCM) distribution and dispensing. The intended outcome of this assessment is to identify strengths and challenges facing preparedness programs across the nation and to identify opportunities for improvement and further technical support.

ORR Resources

CDC developed the following resources to help prepare all 62 Public Health Emergency Preparedness recipients, as well as Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) local planning jurisdictions, required to participate in an MCM ORR. The materials include information presented during the July 2017 ORR workshop in Atlanta.

ORR Guidance

The Operational Readiness Review Guidance provides specific information on how to complete a self-assessment and complete a review using the Data Collation and Integration for Public Health Event Response (DCIPHER) platform. All 62 PHEP recipients as well as CRI local planning jurisdictions are required to participate in the ORR process. State recipients are not only responsible for ensuring their own planning and operational function, but also for reviewing local CRI jurisdictions’ submitted forms within their state, and monitoring, tracking, and evaluating local activities.

ORR System Guides

The Operational Readiness Review (ORR) system guides provide instruction on how to use the ORR application hosted within the Data Collation and Integration for Public Health Event Response (DCIPHER) platform. The ORR online system allows users to collect valuable ORR data, streamline the review process, and facilitate dialog between ORR reviewers and those who submit ORR data and information.

    • ORR System Guide for Reviewee [Link to guide]: The ORR System Guide for Reviewee provides instruction on accessing the ORR system as the reviewee to edit data, upload supportive documents, leave comments for reviewer, and submit for review.
    • ORR System Guide for Reviewer [Link to guide]: The ORR System Guide for Reviewer provides instruction on accessing the ORR system as the reviewer to provide feedback on forms, review supporting documentation, and acknowledge correct completion of forms for status adjudication.

For questions or assistance related to the ORR online data collection system, please contact CDC at

MCM Action Plan

The MCM technical assistance action plan is designed to assist PHEP recipients and Cities Readiness Initiative local planning jurisdictions to become established on or before June 30, 2022. The action plans focus on activities developed to address prioritized MCM planning and operational gaps identified during their most recent ORR. Similarly, state recipients must develop MCM action plans for all of their CRI local planning jurisdictions. Note: To open the action plan template, first download the form to the computer and then open the template using Adobe Reader.

ORR Presentation Slides

Resources are also available on CDC’s Online Technical Resource and Assistance Center (On-TRAC).