URL of this page: https://medlineplus.gov/veteransandmilitaryhealth.html

Veterans and Military Health


Military service members and veterans have made sacrifices to our country, and they face different health issues than civilians. During their service, they are at risk for various injuries. These injuries can happen during combat, while others involve physical stress to the body. Sometimes the injuries are life-threatening or serious enough to cause disability. Others may not be as serious, but can be painful and affect daily life. Specific types of injuries include

There may also be a risk of health problems from exposure to environmental hazards, such as contaminated water, chemicals, infections, and burn pits.

Being in combat and being separated from your family can be stressful. The stress can put service members and veterans at risk for mental health problems. These include anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and substance abuse. Suicide can also be a concern.

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