Open Government

The Open Government Initiative lays out the Obama Administration plan to usher in a new era of open and accountable government that will bridge the gap between the American people and their government. The core values of this initiative are:

  • Transparency: Government should provide citizens with information about what their government is doing so that government can be held accountable.
  • Participation: Government should actively solicit expertise from outside Washington so that it makes policies with the benefit of the best information.
  • Collaboration: Government officials should work together with one another and with citizens as part of doing their job of solving national problems.

FTC's Open Government Plan

Learn More About Open Government


The Federal Trade Commission has made available the following data sets not previously available online:

Application Programming Interface (API)

An API is a means of offering a dataset so web developers can query, gather, and manipulate the data via their own applications or systems. Federal government agencies are encouraged to take a machine-readable approach to providing information by making high-value data and content available through Web APIs, supporting open standards and interoperability. Providing this information through Web APIs makes data assets freely available for use within agencies, between agencies, in the private sector, and by citizens.

The Federal Trade Commission currently offers an API endpoint for Early Termination Notices, which are related to the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act’s requirements for companies concerning mergers and acquisitions. See the technical details for the HSR Early Termination Notices API endpoint.

Records and Reports

Reference Material

Annual Web Measurement and Customization Technologies Review

The Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies (M-10-22) requires agencies to review their use of cookies annually to ensure it complies with OMB policy and to make the results of the review available to the public on their Open Government page. If you have any questions about the FTC’s use of web measurement and customization technologies, such as cookies, please contact the FTC’s Chief Privacy Officer at

  • The FTC’s Chief Privacy Officer and Privacy Steering Committee have reviewed and verified the continued accuracy of the FTC’s cookie notice for FY 2018.

This website makes use of the Google Analytics web measurement software provided by the General Services Administration's Digital Analytics Program. For more information, see the Google Analytics Privacy Impact Assessment.


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  • develop our Open Government Plan
  • prioritize information for publication
  • improve the availability and quality of published information

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