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2014 Ebola Response Supplemental Funding: PHEP Supplemental Funding for Ebola Preparedness and Response Activities

In 2014, CDC’s response to the Ebola virus epidemic focused on measures to protect Americans. In December of 2014, Congress appropriated funding for emergency Ebola treatment and prevention measures in the United States and in West Africa.

CDC received approximately $165 million to support state and local Ebola preparedness and response activities. CDC provided $145 million in supplemental funding to the 62 Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement recipients to support accelerated state and local public health preparedness planning and operational readiness for responding to Ebola. Eligible applicants included the 50 states, eight territories and freely associated states, and four localities (Chicago, Los Angeles County, New York City, and Washington, D.C.).

A portion of the remaining $20 million in funding was used to hire and place around the United States 10 temporary epidemiology field assignees for a period of up to two years. These field assignees supported state and local health departments in one or more of the following areas:

  1. active monitoring contact, data collection, data analysis, and reporting;
  2. evaluation and management of persons under investigation;
  3. planning for and conducting surveillance, contact tracing, and epidemiologic investigations;
  4. health systems preparation, including transport services, hospital preparedness, and infection prevention;
  5. incident management; and
  6. health communications.

The remaining funding was used to support CDC’s state and local response activities and grants management and evaluation activities related to the domestic Ebola response.

PHEP Supplemental Funding for Ebola Preparedness and Response Activities

CDC awarded $145 million in PHEP supplemental funding to support accelerated public health preparedness planning for Ebola within state, local, territorial, and tribal public health systems. Jurisdictions used the funding to:

  • Improve and ensure operational readiness for Ebola; supporting state, local, territorial, and tribal Ebola public health response efforts
  • Ensure collaboration, coordination, and partnership with the jurisdiction’s healthcare system to assist in the development of a tiered system for Ebola patient care.
  • Strengthen existing partnerships public health preparedness programs have built with healthcare, epidemiology, and laboratory colleagues in their jurisdictions.
  • Establish new partnerships with infection control program sin their jurisdictions to advance the development of stronger healthcare system infection control programs.

The Ebola supplemental funding’s 18-month project period begin April 1, 2015, and ended September 30, 2016.

PHEP Supplemental for Ebola Virus Disease Active Monitoring and Direct Active Monitoring Activities

In December 2014, CDC awarded $4,726,415 in Ebola supplemental funding to support development and implementation of active monitoring (AM) and direct active monitoring (DAM) of travelers who may have been exposed to Ebola. Funding was provided by the HHS Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (PHSSEF).