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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Surveillance System
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition in which your kidneys are damaged and cannot filter blood as well as healthy kidneys. Because of this, wastes from the blood remain in the body and may cause other health problems.
Adults With diabetes or high blood pressure have a higher risk of developing CKD
Most people with CKD are not aware of their disease and do not seek appropriate treatment
The only way to find out for sure whether you have CKD is through specifc blood and urine tests
ore than 1 in 7 US adults are estimated to have CKD - that is about 30 million people

Emerging Topics

Surveillance investigators identify topics where new evidence is emerging.

New Tools!

CKD Calculators -- estimate individual risk
Disparity Explorer -- examine population differences

New Indicators!

Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020 provides national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. Fourteen (14) objectives focus on kidney disease, including end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Several indicators from the CKD Surveillance System provide related information for these objectives.

View Surveillance System Indicators related to Healthy People 2020 objectives

Healthy People 2020

National CKD Fact Sheet

View national estimates and general information regarding CKD in the United States.

CKD Initiative

The Chronic Kidney Disease Initiative is designed to provide comprehensive public health strategies for promoting kidney health.
Learn more...

Suggested Citation:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chronic Kidney Disease Surveillance System—United States.

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Patient-Focused Information

Patient Focus - Hands image The information on this site is designed to provide a picture of CKD in the country and reports aggregate data on various groups of people in the United States.

Information for people living with kidney disease, or at risk of developing kidney disease, and their friends and family members is available from the National Kidney Disease Education Program.

Date Site Last Updated: October 25, 2018
Current Site Version: 6.0.1