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Milestones In Action : By Eighteen Months

Milestones Photo and Video Library

Likes to hand things to others as play

Likes to hand things to others as play


In this image, a child is showcasing an 18-month social/emotional milestone by handing a toy to an adult as a way of playing.

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May have temper tantrums


The little boy in this video is having a temper tantrum, an 18-month social/emotional milestone.

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May be afraid of strangers


This little girl is afraid of the new woman in her classroom. Fear of strangers is an 18-month social/emotional milestone.

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Shows affection to familiar people

Shows affection to familiar people


This little girl is displaying an 18-month social/emotion milestone by being affectionate toward a familiar person.

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Plays simple pretend, such as feeding a doll


In this video, a little girl is pretending her puppet is growling. Playing simple pretend is an 18-month social/emotional milestone.

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May cling to caregivers in new situations

May cling to caregivers in new situations


The young child in this image is clinging to her caregiver  in a new situation, an 18-month social/emotional milestone.

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Points to show others something interesting

Points to show others something interesting


By pointing to show this adult something interesting, this little girl is displaying an 18-month social/emotional milestone.

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Explores alone but with parent close by

Explores alone but with parent close by


In this image, a little girl is running ahead of her caregiver – exploring on her own while he is nearby. This is an 18-month social/emotional milestone. While children this age do like to explore on their own, it is extremely important that a responsible person be close by, watching them to ensure they are safe.

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Says several single words


The little girl in this video says several single words, an 18-month language/communication milestone.

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Says and shakes head “no”


In the first video segment, a little boy says “No!”. In the second segment, a little girl shakes her head “no”. Expressing “no” in these ways is an 18-month language/communication milestone.

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Points to show someone what he wants


By pointing to show his teacher he wants the truck, this little boy is displaying an 18-month language/communication milestone.

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Knows what ordinary things are for; for example, telephone, brush, spoon

Knows what ordinary things are for; for example, telephone, brush, spoon


This little boy is trying to put a shoe on his foot. Knowing what ordinary things – like shoes – are for, is an 18-month cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

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Points to show others something interesting

Points to get the attention of others


In this image, a little girl is pointing to get the attention of the woman, an 18-month cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

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Shows interest in a doll or stuffed animal by pretending to feed

Shows interest in a doll or stuffed animal by pretending to feed


This toddler is pretending to feed a doll, an 18-month cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

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Points to one body part


This little girl is pointing to body parts. Pointing to at least one body part is an 18-month cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

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Scribbles on his own

Scribbles on his own


In this photo, a child is scribbling. Scribbling on his/her own is an 18-month cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.

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Can follow 1-step verbal commands without any gestures


This little boy displays an 18-month cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone when he goes to wash his hands with just a verbal direction. He did not need any gestures (such as a point) to follow this one-step command.

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Walks alone


The toddler in this video walks alone, an 18-month movement/physical development milestone.

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May walk up steps and run


This is a video of a little girl showing the 18-month movement/physical development milestone, walking up steps.

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Pulls toys while walking


The child in this video pulls a toy while walking, an 18-month movement/physical development milestone.

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Can help undress herself


In this video, a little girl helps undress herself by taking off her shoes. This is an18-month movement/physical development milestone.

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Drinks from a cup

Drinks from a cup


The child in this image is drinking from a cup without a sippy top. This is an 18-month movement/physical development milestone.

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Eats with a spoon

Eats with a spoon


The child in this photo is eating with a spoon, an 18-month movement/physical development milestone.

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