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PubMed Subject Filters

The following PubMed subject filters can be used for searching. Filters are available on the Filters sidebar, unless otherwise noted. See PubMed Help for searching information.  See also the PubMed Special Queries.  Click on the filter name to see the strategy.

This strategy was created to facilitate searching for subjects in the area of AIDS and is based on search strategies used to create NLM's former AIDSLINE database. This filter can also be used in a search as aids [sb].
Example: tuberculosis AND aids [sb]

This strategy was created by NLM and the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University to facilitate searching for citations to articles in the area of bioethics. This filter can also be used in a search as bioethics [sb].
Example: euthanasia AND bioethics [sb]

This strategy uses terms from the Neoplasms (and related) branches of MeSH, cancer-related text words, and MEDLINE journal titles. It was created jointly by NLM and the National Cancer Institute to facilitate searching for subjects in all areas of cancer, ranging from clinical care to basic research. This filter can also be used in a search as cancer [sb].
Example: survivors AND cancer [sb]

Complementary Medicine
This strategy was created using terms from the Alternative Medicine branch of MeSH, as well as additional terms and names of MEDLINE journals provided by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), NIH. It is provided to facilitate searching for subjects in the area of complementary and alternative medicine. This filter can also be used in a search as cam [sb].
Example: osteoarthritis AND cam [sb]

Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART)
This strategy was created by NLM's Specialized Information Services to facilitate searching for subjects in the area of teratology and other aspects of developmental and reproductive toxicology. This filter can also be used in a search as dart [sb].
Example: mercury AND dart [sb]

Dietary Supplements
This strategy was developed jointly by NLM and the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health. It is designed to limit search results to citations from a broad spectrum of dietary supplement literature. This filter can also be used in a search as dietsuppl [sb].
Example: anemia AND dietsuppl [sb]

History of Medicine
This strategy was created by NLM's History of Medicine Division to facilitate searching for subjects in the history of medicine. This filter can also be used in a search as history [sb].
Example: anthrax AND history [sb]

Space Life Sciences
This strategy was developed by NLM and the former NASA SPACELINE Office and is intended to retrieve citations of interest to those working in the field of space life sciences research. This filter is not on the PubMed Filters sidebar (as of November 2010).  This filter can be used in a search as space [sb].
Example: exercise AND space [sb]

Systematic Reviews
This strategy is intended to retrieve citations to systematic reviews in PubMed and encompasses: citations assigned the “Systematic Review” publication type during MEDLINE indexing; citations that have not yet completed MEDLINE indexing; and non-MEDLINE citations. This filter can be used in a search as systematic [sb].
Example: exercise hypertension AND systematic [sb]

This filter is also available on the Filters sidebar under "Article types." It is also available on the Clinical Queries screen.

This strategy was created by NLM's Specialized Information Services to facilitate searching for subjects in the area of toxicology. This filter can also be used in a search as tox [sb].
Example: lead AND tox [sb]

Veterinary Science
This strategy was created to facilitate searching for veterinary medicine and animal health literature. It includes a wide range of subject search terms and journal titles.  This filter can also be used in a search as veterinary [sb].
Example: hyperparathyroidism AND veterinary [sb]

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