Sustaining a Resilient Farm Economy

Michael believes a resilient agricultural sector is vital to a strong economy. This is certainly true in Colorado, where farming and ranching are a proud tradition and generate more than $40 billion in economic output each year.

As a member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Michael is working to bring the diverse voices of Colorado to the debate in Washington. In 2014, Michael relied on the input he received from dozens of Farm Bill Listening Sessions held across the state to advocate for Colorado’s priorities in the Farm Bill. Because of that input, the bill strengthened crop insurance, improved disaster assistance, and streamlined conservation programs. It also provided new tools for the Forest Service to increase wildfire mitigation and forest restoration. As he prepares to write the next Farm Bill, Michael will continue to listen to Colorado’s farmers and ranchers to build on this progress and provide rural communities with an even stronger foundation and greater certainty.

In addition to strengthening the farm economy at home, Michael recognizes the importance of increasing access to markets abroad.  As a member of the Senate Committee on Finance, Michael has worked to maintain and improve access international export markets for Colorado’s agricultural products. He is committed to creating a 21st century economy in Colorado that provides opportunities for the next generation of farmers and ranchers.

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