Fighting for Comprehensive Immigration Reform that Keeps Families Together

Michael knows our broken immigration system hobbles our economy, reduces our global competitiveness, and keeps millions of hardworking families living in the shadows. He is fighting for commonsense solutions that reflect two bedrock American values: we are a nation that respects the rule of law, and we are a nation of immigrants.

Michael was part of the “Gang of Eight,” a group of bipartisan senators who worked together to write a sweeping bill to fix our broken immigration system. The group met with a diverse coalition of business, labor, farm worker, faith, and Latino leaders to write a bill that would secure our borders, reform an outdated visa system, guarantee important worker protections, and create a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants. The Senate passed the bill with overwhelming bipartisan support in 2013. This legislative process and language continue to serve as a template for future reform efforts.

Michael has long-supported offering a path to citizenship for individuals who were brought to the United States as children. Michael knows that Dreamers are hard-working Americans who contribute to our economy, strengthen our communities, and are as American as his own children. That’s why he cosponsored the Dream Act of 2009 when he first arrived in the Senate, and most recently cosponsored the bipartisan Dream Act of 2017. When Congress failed to pass the Dream Act, Michael urged then-President Obama to create the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Since President Trump terminated the DACA program, Michael has worked in good faith with his colleagues across the aisle to find a permanent solution for Dreamers. He offered several bipartisan proposals that included a path to citizenship for Dreamers and increased border security. He continues to work with his Democratic and Republican colleagues to advocate for commonsense immigration reforms that support our economy, improve our communities, and keep families together.

Bipartisan "Gang of Eight"

For years, Michael worked with leaders throughout Colorado to convene and promote a civil conversation around immigration reform that could inform real and lasting reform at the federal level. The result of those conversations was manifested in the Colorado Compact, a set of six principles that represent a more rational and collaborative approach to immigration policy. The Compact played an instrumental role in guiding Michael during the 2013 immigration debate in Washington.

Michael was part of the “Gang of Eight,” a bipartisan group of senators that worked together to draft the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act. The bill would have invested billions of dollars to secure our borders and better track who comes in and out of the country. It would have created a more efficient, sensible, and flexible visa system to encourage new workers—skilled and unskilled—to contribute to our changing 21st century economy, while safeguarding American worker protections. The bill also would have created a tough, but fair, path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the shadows. On June 27, 2013, the Senate passed the legislation 68-32 with overwhelming bipartisan support. The House of Representatives never followed suit, and the legislation ultimately never became law.

Congress has failed time and again to resolve our broken immigration system because of partisan gridlock. This political reality has resulted in direct consequences for businesses, families, and communities across our country. Michael continues to work to fix our broken immigration system and fight for comprehensive immigration reform.

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