Uncertainty in Future Highway Funding Focus of Finance Committee Hearing

Bennet Urges Long-Term Plan to Maintain U.S. Competitiveness

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee today held a hearing to discuss the need for investment in roads, highways, and other transportation projects. The panel heard from a range of experts about how Congress can address the looming insolvency of the Highway Trust Fund. The trust fund is expected to go bankrupt by August, leaving no fun...

Bennet: Time to Act on Climate Change is Now

Bennet Joins Call for Action Following Latest Release of National Climate Assessment

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today called on Congress to heed the warnings of the National Climate Assessment released today and to begin work together on solutions to mitigate the effects climate change is already having on the United States. The administration today released the 2014 National Climate Assessment, which s...

Bennet to FDA: Work with Colorado Producers on New Food Safety Rules

Bennet letter conveys CO concerns with Act's rules, encourages FDA visit

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet sent a letter to the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today conveying the concerns Colorado producers have with certain provisions of the Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA). While thanking the FDA for its clarification of the rules on spent grains, Bennet said there...
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today marked Cinco de Mayo by recognizing the many contributions Mexican-Americans make to Colorado and the United States. Cinco de Mayo commemorates May 5, 1862, when Mexicans won an unlikely victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla, part of their struggle for independence and freedom. ...
U.S. Senators Michael Bennat and Mark Udall and Congressman Scott Tipton welcomed an agreement today between the U.S. Fish and Wildfire Service and other litigants to come together to seek an extension of the decision deadline on the proposed Endangered Species Act listing of the Gunnison sage grouse. The extension will afford the ...

Forest Service Set to Begin Using New Authority to Treat Bark Beetle, Improve Forest Health

New Authority Stems from Bennet-Authored Provision in Farm Bill

The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) is primed to begin using its new authority to expedite the treatment process for forest land that has been damaged by insects and disease. In testimony yesterday before the Senate Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee, U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell said he exp...
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet expressed his disappointment today that a minority of senators blocked the consideration of a bill that would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. Prior to the procedural vote, Bennet spoke on the Senate floor urging his colleagues to allow the bill to move forward so senators coul...

Bennet, Udall Welcome HUD's Swift Approval of Plan to Deploy $62.8 Million in Flood-Recovery Funds

Funds Bennet, Udall Helped Secure Will Help Confront Previously Unmet Flood Recovery Needs

U.S. Senators Michael Bennet and Mark Udall welcomed the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) approval today of the state's plan to deploy $62.8 million in HUD funds the senators fought to secure in December 2013 to aid flood-recovery efforts. The funds, issued through the Community Development Block Grant Disas...
With the Highway Trust Fund on the verge of insolvency and five months before the federal transportation bill expires, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet is calling on Congress to quickly get to work on a solution that will allow us to rebuild and repair our crumbling roads and bridges. Bennet is pushing for a plan that would pro...