Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the following statement in observance of Memorial Day: “Every day, our brave men and women in uniform selflessly serve to defend our country and values. Today, our family will take the time to remember the servicemembers that sacrificed their lives so we can continue to enjoy our ...

Bennet Introduces Bill to Improve Outcomes for English Language Learners

Promotes Innovative Approaches to Learning English, Engages Parents and Families

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet introduced a bill to help schools teach the growing number of kids for which English is not their native language. The English Learning and Innovation Act would help ensure that English language learners have access to high-quality instruction that enables them to acquire English and prepare for...

Senate Judiciary Committee Passes Bipartisan Immigration Bill

Bill Heads to Senate Floor for Consideration as Early as Next Month

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today hailed committee passage of the bipartisan immigration bill he introduced with the ‘Group of 8.’ The Senate Judiciary Committee voted in a bipartisan 13-5 to report the bill to the full Senate, which is expected to debate the bill and consider amendments next month. “Th...

Bennet Congratulates Colorado Companies on Receiving President's "E"? Award

Award recognizes businesses for excellence in exports; Bennet leading effort to help more Colorado companies find customers overseas

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today congratulated four Colorado organizations for receiving the President’s “E” Award for significant achievement in exporting products and services overseas. The four firms – Boulder-based Lightning Eliminators; Denver-based Frederick Export; World Trade Center Denver,...
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper offered his support for a bill introduced in the U.S. Senate by Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet that would govern the future management of much of the Thompson Divide, a 221,000-acre parcel of public land located predominantly in Colorado’s Pitkin, Gunnison, and Garfield counties. Benn...
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today announced that he will cosponsor the Free Flow of Information Act, also known as the reporter shield bill, when it is introduced in the Senate by New York Senator Chuck Schumer. On Wednesday, the Administration requested Congress to pass a bill that would help journalists protect the ident...

Bennet Applauds Governor's Signing of State Bill to Boost Colorado's High-Tech Sector

Builds on Recommendations from Colorado Competes Report

Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet applauded the passage of a bill Governor John Hickenlooper signed into law to help create new highly-skilled jobs, increase exports, and drive innovation and capital investment. The Advanced Industries Accelerator Act will also create stronger partnerships between educational institutions and ...